I Walk with Vanessa: A Picture Book Story About a Simple Act of Kindness | 誠品線上

I Walk with Vanessa: A Picture Book Story About a Simple Act of Kindness

作者 Kerascoët
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 I Walk with Vanessa: A Picture Book Story About a Simple Act of Kindness:紐約公共圖書館年度選書。暢銷作家夫妻檔克哈斯可耶特又一力作。一個簡單的善良舉動可以形成


內容簡介 紐約公共圖書館年度選書。暢銷作家夫妻檔克哈斯可耶特又一力作。一個簡單的善良舉動可以形成強大的力量,戰勝霸凌。 這本繪本是以幾起真實事件為藍本,透過故事讓讀者同理被霸凌者的孤單無助,並看到:一個簡單的善良舉動可以帶動許多人,加入幫助被霸凌者的行列。而且,這是一本無字繪本,單靠圖畫讓讀者從畫面感受角色的情緒與處境、傳達重要的訊息。 「克哈斯可耶特」Kerascoët為巴黎藝術家夫妻檔,賽巴斯欽.克瑟和瑪希.波姆普依的共同筆名,兩人創作了許多傑出廣告作品、漫畫與繪本。繪本作品包括《馬拉拉的魔法鉛筆》和《我喜歡我自己》。"


作者介紹 Kerascoët, a husband-and-wife team, are the illustrators of the highly acclaimed graphic novel Beautiful Darkness by Fabie Vehlmann, which was chosen by Publishers Weekly as a 2014 Best Book of the Year, and the New York Times bestselling Jacky Ha-Ha by James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein. Kirkus called Kerascoët's artwork perfectly delightful in a starred review of their book Paul and Antoinette. They are also the illustrators of Malala's Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzai, to be published in fall 2017. Visit them at kerascoet.fr.


書名 / I Walk with Vanessa: A Picture Book Story About a Simple Act of Kindness
作者 / Kerascoët
簡介 / I Walk with Vanessa: A Picture Book Story About a Simple Act of Kindness:紐約公共圖書館年度選書。暢銷作家夫妻檔克哈斯可耶特又一力作。一個簡單的善良舉動可以形成
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9781524769550
ISBN10 / 152476955X
EAN / 9781524769550
誠品26碼 / 2682179305001
頁數 / 40
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 28.6X24X1CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : Inspired by real events and told only in pictures, this is an empowering picture book from a "New York Times"-bestselling husband-and-wife team about one girl who inspires a community to stand up to bullying. Full color.