Led Zeppelin All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Track | 誠品線上

Led Zeppelin All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Track

作者 Jean-Michel Guesdon/ Philippe Margotin
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Led Zeppelin All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Track:TakeadeepdiveintotheinnovativerecordinghistoryofLedZeppelin,inthisnewestadditiontothefan-favoriteAllth


內容簡介 Take a deep dive into the innovative recording history of Led Zeppelin, in this newest addition to the fan-favorite All the Songs series. Fifty years after their first practice in a Soho basement, Led Zeppelin continues to fascinate new generations of listeners. While their legendary back-stage debauchery has been written about extensively in other books, All the Songs is all about the music, detailing the studio magic and inspiration that made all nine albums go platinum, including Led Zeppelin IV which was certified x23 platinum and has sold more than 37 million copies worldwide. Studio stories will include their productive time at Headley Grange in Wales, a poorly-heated former poorhouse where they recorded parts of Led Zeppelin III, Led Zeppelin IV, Houses of the Holy and Physical Graffiti. Andhow the first album was recorded in three weeks but their second took six months, done while the band was on a world tour. They carried the masters of the recording session in a steamer trunk wherever they went. Out of these chaotic sessions came the Whole Lotta Love, which was finished in New York with Hendrix engineer Eddie Kramer helping create the psychedelic middle part, as well as The Lemon Song, which was cut live in the studio. Page worked feverishly with Kramer to mix the LP on a primitive 12-channel Altec board in a two-day span. Fans will also learn the genesis of their lyrics, the inspiration for their album covers, the instruments used, and the contributions of engineers such as Andy Johns, who helped create the iconic drum sound on When the Levee Breaks by recording Bonham at the bottom of a stairwell.


作者介紹 Philippe Margotin has written numerous books on music, including biographies of U2 and Radiohead, as well as All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Beatles Release and Bob Dylan All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Track. He lives in Paris. Jean-Michel Guesdon, a musician, composer, and sound engineer, who has written withe Philippe Margotin All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Beatles Release and Bob Dylan All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Track. He lives in Paris.


書名 / Led Zeppelin All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Track
作者 / Jean-Michel Guesdon Philippe Margotin
簡介 / Led Zeppelin All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Track:TakeadeepdiveintotheinnovativerecordinghistoryofLedZeppelin,inthisnewestadditiontothefan-favoriteAllth
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780316448673
ISBN10 / 0316448672
EAN / 9780316448673
誠品26碼 / 2682130393009
頁數 / 608
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 27.2X21.3X5.6CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 2404.0
