內容簡介 See mission in a new way. With many concerns facing churches, mission is often dismissed as an extraneous add-on or treated as simply another program among many. This book advocates for a new understanding of mission, one that connects it to the very heart of what it means to live the Christian faith in its fulness as we experience and share the Good News.While many books discuss local mission, domestic mission, OR international mission, this book lays out principles that apply to all three. Further, it draws on Wesleyan theology to do so, something lacking from many other resources.Mission is the practice of cultivating relationships across boundaries for the sake of fostering conversations in word and deed about the nature of God's Good News. To understand the boundaries that need to be crossed, the book demonstrates how we all exist in particular situations that shape our understanding of God's Good News and how to best share it. The book leads readers to think more deeply about their own contexts, others' contexts, and offers practical steps about how to cultivate relationships that lead to conversations about good news across differences in context. The author includes reflection questions suitable for group study.