The Anglican Ordinal: Gospel Priorities for Church of England Ministry | 誠品線上

The Anglican Ordinal: Gospel Priorities for Church of England Ministry

作者 Andrew Atherstone
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 The Anglican Ordinal: Gospel Priorities for Church of England Ministry:,ThereisnobetterhandbookforAnglicanministrythantheAnglicanordinal-theauthorizedliturgyf


內容簡介 There is no better handbook for Anglican ministry than the Anglican ordinal - the authorized liturgy for ordaining new ministers. The ordinal contains a beautiful, succinct description of theological priorities and ministry models for today's Church. This booklet offers a simple exposition of the ordinal's primary themes. Anglican clergy are called to public ministry as messengers, sentinels, stewards, and shepherds. They are asked searching questions and they make solemn promises. The Holy Spirit's anointing is invoked upon their ministries, with the laying-on-of-hands, and they are gifted a Bible as the visual symbol of their new pastoral and preaching office. This booklet is a handy primer for ordinands and clergy, and all those responsible for their selection, training, and deployment.


書名 / The Anglican Ordinal: Gospel Priorities for Church of England Ministry
作者 / Andrew Atherstone
簡介 / The Anglican Ordinal: Gospel Priorities for Church of England Ministry:,ThereisnobetterhandbookforAnglicanministrythantheAnglicanordinal-theauthorizedliturgyf
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781906327590
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781906327590
誠品26碼 /
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X0.4CM
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 60
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無