Mystery of Egypt - The First Tunnel | 誠品線上

Mystery of Egypt - The First Tunnel

作者 Radu Cinamar
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Mystery of Egypt - The First Tunnel:RaduCinamarstunnedtheworldwhenhereleasedhisfirstbook,TransylvanianSunrise,whichdescribedthegreatestarchaeologicalfindofallt


內容簡介 Radu Cinamar stunned the world when he released his first book, Transylvanian Sunrise, which described the greatest archaeological find of all time: a hidden chamber some 50,000 years old with beneath the Romanian Sphinx in the Bucegi Mountains. This chamber includes holographic technology with a visual data bank of infinite DNA permutations in addition to three tunnels: one leading to the inner earth, one to Tibet and one to Egypt. After being allowed to explore some of these artefacts, Radu was befriended by an enigmatic alchemist named Elinor who introduced him to an equally mysterious Tibetan Lama. This book begins with Radu becoming the guardian of Elinor's exotic villa in Bucharest which contains a remarkable alchemical laboratory in the basement.Radu is soon thereafter recruited for Department Zero, Romania's most secret intelligence unit, by his old friend, Cezar Brad, and becomes part of an expedition to explore a mysterious tunnel which leads from the chamber beneath the Romanian Sphinx to a different type of chamber beneath the Giza Plateau which contains ancient artefacts that look more futuristic than they do ancient, one of them being a bioresonant device through which one can visit past and future events. This amazing expedition includes an American from the Pentagon with a top secret laptop computer he is intuitively connected to that not only displays intricate holograms but is also linked to Hilbert (inter-dimensional) Space. Ancient archeology meets future [未完, 尚有資料...]


書名 / Mystery of Egypt - The First Tunnel
作者 / Radu Cinamar
簡介 / Mystery of Egypt - The First Tunnel:RaduCinamarstunnedtheworldwhenhereleasedhisfirstbook,TransylvanianSunrise,whichdescribedthegreatestarchaeologicalfindofallt
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781937859084
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781937859084
誠品26碼 / 2682416203008
頁數 / 220
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.3X13.7X1.3CM
級別 / N:無