Woodruff's Guide to Slavic Deities | 誠品線上

Woodruff's Guide to Slavic Deities

作者 Anita Allen ; Patricia Robin Woodruff
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Woodruff's Guide to Slavic Deities:,AnewandrefreshinglookattheancientbeliefsofthepeoplethatlivedintheSlaviclands.Areligionrootedinbalance,connectionandtheEart


內容簡介 A new and refreshing look at the ancient beliefs of the people that lived in the Slavic lands. A religion rooted in balance, connection and the Earth. Explore these different faces of deity: Veles, the teacher of magic and lord of the animals; Zhiva, the radiant goddess of life, love and justice; Mat Zemla, who is the "moist Mother Earth" and more Approximately 32 million people in the United States identify as having Slavic heritage and yet most of them have probably never heard of the native gods of their homeland. As more people look to find their own connection to earth spirituality they have only to look to the indigenous religion of their heritage. There is little available in English on these beliefs and the little that has been published is often tainted with white supremacist agendas. Come learn about the deities of the Slavic lands. Woodruff is an academic, an interfaith minister and a practicing Lemko bosorka. Her intense research and multi-disciplinary approach has broken new ground and resulted in same amazing new discoveries about this ancient religion.


書名 / Woodruff's Guide to Slavic Deities
作者 / Anita Allen ; Patricia Robin Woodruff
簡介 / Woodruff's Guide to Slavic Deities:,AnewandrefreshinglookattheancientbeliefsofthepeoplethatlivedintheSlaviclands.Areligionrootedinbalance,connectionandtheEart
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781735614908
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781735614908
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 270
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X1.4CM
