Everyone Is an Influencer: Building a Brand by Engaging the People Who Matter Most | 誠品線上

Everyone Is an Influencer: Building a Brand by Engaging the People Who Matter Most

作者 Kelly Keenan
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Everyone Is an Influencer: Building a Brand by Engaging the People Who Matter Most:Yourbrand'sstorycan'tbeconcoctedbyamarketingteamoragency,bubblingintosomewit


內容簡介 This best-selling, 5x National and International Award Winning Book has been named 2022's Best Marketing PR Book, Best Social Media book, Best PR Marketing Book, and more. In Everyone is an "Influencer," Kelly Keenan, Founder of Brand Story Experts, unlocks the code to recognizing and utilizing true Influencers that will change the trajectory of your business in a powerful way. For over 13 years Keenan has been using the process detailed in this book to help hundreds of brands uncover and celebrate their story in a way that adds excitement, creates consistency, and builds long-term success. This book teaches this proven and practiced method to develop your brand's story and it's a game changer for every industry. You'll discover proven secrets of how to create and strengthen lifelong relationships with your team and with customers. Not just short-term gains. Go beyond sales gimmicks and short-sighted tactics. Help your business attract and retain top talent while gaining like-minded customers who passionately support, endorse and join in your brand celebration. This book is for business leaders looking to supercharge their companies. It's for sales and marketing leaders seeking to gain greater results with enthusiasm. Finally, this book is for any team member ready to step up and become a change-maker for their organization. It's all possible because as you'll see, Everyone Is An Influencer.


書名 / Everyone Is an Influencer: Building a Brand by Engaging the People Who Matter Most
作者 / Kelly Keenan
簡介 / Everyone Is an Influencer: Building a Brand by Engaging the People Who Matter Most:Yourbrand'sstorycan'tbeconcoctedbyamarketingteamoragency,bubblingintosomewit
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781646870110
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781646870110
誠品26碼 /
尺寸 / 23.1X15.7X2.5CM
尺寸 / 0.0X0.0X0.0CM
裝訂 / H:精裝
頁數 / 250
重量(g) / 498.9
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
