Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse: The Delta Dimension: Disney Masters Vol. 1 | 誠品線上

Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse: The Delta Dimension: Disney Masters Vol. 1

作者 Romano Scarpa
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse: The Delta Dimension: Disney Masters Vol. 1:,WhenMickey'stownishitbyablizzardofstrangeglowingsnow,everyonethinksit'sapublicitystunt


內容簡介 When Mickey's town is hit by a blizzard of strange glowing snow, everyone thinks it's a publicity stunt. But genius Dr. Einmug knows better: Pegleg Pete is on the loose with Einmug's weather-control secrets! Only Mickey and Einmug's mysterious companion -- the odd little Atomo Bleep-Bleep -- can save the day before a poison rainstorm wipes Mouseton off the map! Romano Scarpa (1927-2005) took over for Floyd Gottfreson and spun out decades' worth of new Mickey action epics -- most of which have never been available in English! This volume also reunites Mickey, Atomo, and Pete for Scarpa's "The Bleep-Bleep 15" and "The Fabulous Kingdom of Shan-Grilla," two internationally famous tales making their North American debut!


書名 / Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse: The Delta Dimension: Disney Masters Vol. 1
作者 / Romano Scarpa
簡介 / Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse: The Delta Dimension: Disney Masters Vol. 1:,WhenMickey'stownishitbyablizzardofstrangeglowingsnow,everyonethinksit'sapublicitystunt
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781683960966
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781683960966
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
重量(g) / 839.1
頁數 / 208
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 26.2X19.8X2.3CM
