Prop Master: A Guidebook for Successful Theatrical Prop Management | 誠品線上

Prop Master: A Guidebook for Successful Theatrical Prop Management

作者 Amy Mussman
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Prop Master: A Guidebook for Successful Theatrical Prop Management:,Whetheryouareaprofessional,volunteerorstudentpropmasterforaplayproduction,thisbookreviewsw


內容簡介 Whether you are a professional, volunteer or student prop master for a play production, this book reviews what a demanding theatre tech position this is. There's a lot more to propping a show than many theatre people realize. While the information provided in this resource is based on a standard professional model, the processes and strategies are universal and can be applied to any production environment. This comprehensive guide clearly defines all the responsibilities of the job in action, including sections on interacting with other people, a successful work environment, the prop shop, the building process, rehearsals and performances, safety, timeless tips and techniques, and more No prop master should work without this guide as a ready reference to solve many unexpected problems. This book is divided into twelve chapters: 1. What Are Props? 2. The Prop Master, 3, Interacting with Other People, 4. A Successful Work Envlronment, 5. The Prop Shop, 6. Collections and Files, 7. The First Steps of the Building Process, 8. Start Propping, 9. Rehearsals and Performances, 10. Safety, 11. Timeless Tips and Techniques 12. Basic Theatre Teminology.


書名 / Prop Master: A Guidebook for Successful Theatrical Prop Management
作者 / Amy Mussman
簡介 / Prop Master: A Guidebook for Successful Theatrical Prop Management:,Whetheryouareaprofessional,volunteerorstudentpropmasterforaplayproduction,thisbookreviewsw
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781566081542
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781566081542
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 185
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 21.8X15.6X1.2CM
頁數 / 186
重量(g) / 272.2
