Couture Sewing Techniques | 誠品線上

Couture Sewing Techniques

作者 Claire B. Shaeffer
出版社 Ingram Publishers Services
商品描述 Couture Sewing Techniques:TauntonPressCoutureSewingTechniquesBook-Ifyoucansew,youcansewcouture.Veryfewtechniquesaredifficult,buttheyrequiretime,patience,andpra


內容簡介 Taunton Press Couture Sewing Techniques Book- If you can sew, you can sew couture. Very few techniques are difficult, but they require time, patience, and practice. This book describes couture techniques as practiced in the ateliers of the haute couture. No matter your level of experience, this book will open your horizons and build your skill set through gorgeous photography, step-by-step illustrations, and concise technical instruction. 250 pages in a softcover.


作者介紹 Claire B. ShaefferClaire B. Shaeffer is a respected author, lecturer, college instructor and columnist. She frequently contributes articles to sewing magazines, and has authored many books, including Sew Any Patch Pocket, Couture Sewing Techniques, Sew Any Fabric and The Complete Book of Sewing Shortcuts. Claire Shaeffer makes her home in Palm Springs, California.


書名 / Couture Sewing Techniques
作者 / Claire B. Shaeffer
簡介 / Couture Sewing Techniques:TauntonPressCoutureSewingTechniquesBook-Ifyoucansew,youcansewcouture.Veryfewtechniquesaredifficult,buttheyrequiretime,patience,andpra
出版社 / Ingram Publishers Services
ISBN13 / 9781600853357
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781600853357
誠品26碼 / 2682503760001
頁數 / 256
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25.3X20.4X1.5CM
級別 / N:無
