The Household Cyclopedia: Revised and Edited | 誠品線上

The Household Cyclopedia: Revised and Edited

作者 Stefan Verstappen ; Henry Hartshorne M. D.
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 The Household Cyclopedia: Revised and Edited:VOLUMEONEofTWOOriginallypublishedin1881TheHouseholdCyclopediaofKnowledgewascompiledfromvariouscontributorsbyDr,Har


內容簡介 VOLUME ONE of TWOOriginally published in 1881 The Household Cyclopedia of Knowledge was compiled from various contributors by Dr, Harshorne as a means of distilling the most useful skills, knowledge, instructions, and recipes of his time. This knowledge is what allowed people to live relatively comfortable lives, and it is the same knowledge that would be needed to survive when, not if, our society collapses."In truth, the present volume has been compiled under the feeling, that if all other books of Science in the world were destroyed, this single volume would be found to embody the results of the useful experience, observations, and discoveries of mankind during the past ages of the world."Henry Hartshorne MDWhile there are many books on homesteading, prepping, and survival that provide similar information, few contain the completeness of the current work. They are further biased being written from the perspective of a technological age, while this book was written in a time before the light bulb and so uses technology that is practical and efficient according to the resources available to people of that time.Hard copies of this work are rare and fragile.By re-printing in hard copy allows people to easily store a copy in their homes that will be available when needed and does not rely on electronics to read.


書名 / The Household Cyclopedia: Revised and Edited
作者 / Stefan Verstappen ; Henry Hartshorne M. D.
簡介 / The Household Cyclopedia: Revised and Edited:VOLUMEONEofTWOOriginallypublishedin1881TheHouseholdCyclopediaofKnowledgewascompiledfromvariouscontributorsbyDr,Har
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781542927031
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781542927031
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 578
級別 / N:無
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X3.0CM