3D Granny Squares: 100 Crochet Patterns for Pop-Up Granny Squares | 誠品線上

3D Granny Squares: 100 Crochet Patterns for Pop-Up Granny Squares

作者 Celine Semaan ; Sharna Moore ; Caitie Moore
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 3D Granny Squares: 100 Crochet Patterns for Pop-Up Granny Squares:Thehumblegrannysquaregetsafreshnewlookinthiscollectionof1003Dgrannysquarecrochetpatterns.Choo


內容簡介 The humble granny square gets a fresh new look in this collection of 100 3D granny square crochet patterns. Choose your favourite from 100 different designs including flowers, animals, food and drink, and motifs; whether it's a fragrant rose, a cherry pie or a jelly fish. Each motif features a 3D element that is integral to the granny square design. There are also ten bright and beautiful projects showing you how to use the squares to make beautiful gifts for friends and family including an animal themed baby blanket; a fruity cushion and a decorative garland.


作者介紹 Celine Semaan is an Australian crochet designer growing a large following on social media with her brightly colored makes. She has been featured in various crochet magazines including Mollie Makes.


書名 / 3D Granny Squares: 100 Crochet Patterns for Pop-Up Granny Squares
作者 / Celine Semaan ; Sharna Moore ; Caitie Moore
簡介 / 3D Granny Squares: 100 Crochet Patterns for Pop-Up Granny Squares:Thehumblegrannysquaregetsafreshnewlookinthiscollectionof1003Dgrannysquarecrochetpatterns.Choo
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781446307434
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781446307434
誠品26碼 /
重量(g) / 521.6
頁數 / 128
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 27.2X20.8X1.3CM
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文


最佳賣點 : The humble granny square gets a fresh new look in this collection of 100 3D granny square crochet patterns. There are also 10 bright and beautiful projects showing how to use the squares to make beautiful gifts for friends and family.
