Crisis Management: How to Develop a Powerful Program | 誠品線上

Crisis Management: How to Develop a Powerful Program

作者 Regina Phelps
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Crisis Management: How to Develop a Powerful Program:Businessesandgovernmentsworldwideareincreasinglybeingdisruptedbymorefrequentnaturaldisasters,mountingworkf


內容簡介 Businesses and governments worldwide are increasingly being disrupted by more frequent natural disasters, mounting workforce violence, and skyrocketing cyberattacks. It's increasingly a question of "when" - not "if" - they will face such a crisis. This book tells you how to prepare - step-by-step. The good news is that costs of being prepared are miniscule compared to the staggering hits organizations are increasingly taking. This book gets into the nitty-gritty of preparing for such crises - from building senior management support and involvement . . . to training top-flight crisis management teams. Specifically, it tells business continuity and crisis management professionals how to get their organizations into a constant state of readiness. That's crucial since, of course, organizations don't know the precise nature of the crisis in advance (timing, location, or impact). Think in terms of "instant-on." And, they have to have wide range of contingencies to deal with whatever they may face. Regina Phelps tells you exactly how to do all of that step-by-step . . . and how to build support up and down the organization to make it happen.


作者介紹 Regina Phelps is an internationally-known crisis management expert. Since 1982, she has helped some of the largest companies and government entities around the world prepare for the unknown - from earthquakes and hurricanes to workforce violence and cyberattacks. She works with executive teams as well as tactical crisis management teams to assure their success when the going gets tough. She is the author of Cyber Breach: What Happens When Your Defenses Fail? and Emergency Management Exercises (and the companion instructors' guide).


書名 / Crisis Management: How to Develop a Powerful Program
作者 / Regina Phelps
簡介 / Crisis Management: How to Develop a Powerful Program:Businessesandgovernmentsworldwideareincreasinglybeingdisruptedbymorefrequentnaturaldisasters,mountingworkf
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780983114352
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780983114352
誠品26碼 /
重量(g) / 399.2
頁數 / 296
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X1.6CM
