Step by Step to Stand-Up Comedy (Revised Ed.) | 誠品線上

喜劇大師的13堂幽默課: 好萊塢首席脫口秀編劇的教戰手冊

作者 葛瑞格.迪恩
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Step by Step to Stand-Up Comedy (Revised Ed.):Ifyouthinkyou'refunnyandyouwantotherstothinksotoo,thenthisisbookforyou.Deanhascrackedthestand-upcomedycode.Thisbo


內容簡介 "Best book ever written for beginner stand-up comedians." --Amazon Review"If you think you're funny, and you want others to think so too, this is the bookfor you!" --GoodReads Review"If you're trying to figure out how to write jokes Step by Step to Stand-up Comedyis a great place to start." --Thor Project"Step by Step to Stand-Up Comedy is the most comprehensive and useful bookever written on the art of the stand-up comedian.""I'm enjoying deconstructing jokes and understanding why things are funny. " --Marble Jar blogIf you think you're funny and you want others to think so too, then this is book for you. Dean has cracked the stand-up comedy code. This book offers his revolutionary explanation of joke structure with the Three Mechanisms of Laughter. Also his original joke writing system … The Joke Prospector, which teaches basic joke writing in minutes. It also clarifies performing techniques for doing scene work, handling hecklers, overcoming stage fright, and much more. Dean’s Rehearsal Process reveals how to remember naturally without memorizing the words. This is the most comprehensive step-by-step manual on the planet for learning the principles, techniques, and skills of being funny.***美國暢銷20年脫口秀表演者、主持人、講師以及想要一開口就逗人笑的你必讀上台時,想成為HOLD住全場的哏王嗎?在茶水間,你的笑話讓空氣凝結了嗎?聚會場合中,怎麼跟任何人都能談笑風生?培養幽默感成為你說話、職場、社交的超能力!


作者介紹 Greg DeanGreg Dean has been teaching and writing about the fundamentals of joke writing and performing stand-up comedy for forty plus year. When he began, Dean quickly realized there were no documented fundamentals for teaching stand-up comedy. So, for the past four decades he's made it his life's mission to identify, name, and teach the basic techniques used by all great joke writers and comedians.These fundamental are published in his book Step By Step to Stand-Up Comedy - Revised Edition. These same joke writing and performing techniques are available as a series of exercises in his Step By Step to Stand-Up Comedy - Workbook Series.葛瑞格.迪恩擁有數十年資歷的美國知名喜劇演員,曾在《週六夜現場》(Saturday Night Live)演出、擔任世界知名馬戲團的表演領班,同時他還是好萊塢喜劇俱樂部「喜劇商店」(Comedy Store)的主力軍;曾與《教父》主角安迪•賈西亞(Andy Garcia)一起表演即興喜劇。教學、編寫笑話寫作基礎和脫口秀表演技巧四十餘年,起初是因為意識到市面上並沒有能教學脫口秀基礎理論的教材,所以這四十多年來,他都將鑑賞和教學知名喜劇寫者、表演者使用的基礎技巧視做人生志業。設立世界第一間、營運最久的喜劇學校。他開創的喜劇創作系統惠及很多脫口秀演員,開啟了無數大明星的喜劇之路;被譽為是「脫口秀老師的老師」,世界各地的脫口秀老師都在使用他發明的喜劇教學技術。


書名 / Step by Step to Stand-Up Comedy (Revised Ed.)
作者 / 葛瑞格.迪恩
簡介 / Step by Step to Stand-Up Comedy (Revised Ed.):Ifyouthinkyou'refunnyandyouwantotherstothinksotoo,thenthisisbookforyou.Deanhascrackedthestand-upcomedycode.Thisbo
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780989735179
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780989735179
誠品26碼 / 2682599845002
頁數 / 216
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X1.2CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : If you think you're funny and you want others to think so too, then this is book for you. Dean has cracked the stand-up comedy code.
