Selling: The Profression | 誠品線上

Selling: The Profression

作者 David J. Lill ; Jennifer Lill-Brown
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Selling: The Profression:Selling:TheProfessionistheroadmaptoarewardingsalescareerToday,morethanever,itisallaboutrelationshipbuildinginadigitalworld.Inthe8thedi


內容簡介 Selling: The Profession is the roadmap to a rewarding sales career Today, more than ever, it is all about relationship building in a digital world. In the 8th edition of this field-tested guide to selling, you will learn to: -Appreciate that you are selling every day, regardless of your career. -Use social media to connect with potential customers. -Make good first impressions and build rapport. -Recognize social styles and nonverbal signals. -Effectively manage your time. -Uncover needs by asking questions and listening. The authors have taken a refreshingly practical and modern approach to professional selling. The 8th edition is divided into two parts: -Part 1 explores "Selling Success Fundamentals" by examining the foundational strategy pieces needed for building a long-lasting career. This includes how to manage your time, read nonverbal cues, communicate with others within and outside your company, and recognize what drives people to buy. -Part 2 is all about the "Relationship Selling Cycle." The eight-step process will walk you through every interaction with potential customers--from prospecting and pre-approach to the close and extend to the actions needed after the close.


書名 / Selling: The Profression
作者 / David J. Lill ; Jennifer Lill-Brown
簡介 / Selling: The Profression:Selling:TheProfessionistheroadmaptoarewardingsalescareerToday,morethanever,itisallaboutrelationshipbuildinginadigitalworld.Inthe8thedi
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780965220187
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780965220187
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
頁數 / 484
重量(g) / 1428.8
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 24.6X20.1X3.0CM
