Anchored in the Current: Discovering Howard Thurman as Educator, Activist, Guide, and Prophet | 誠品線上

Anchored in the Current: Discovering Howard Thurman as Educator, Activist, Guide, and Prophet

作者 Gregory C. Ellison II
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Anchored in the Current: Discovering Howard Thurman as Educator, Activist, Guide, and Prophet:HowardThurmanwasfamouslyknownasoneofthetoweringgiantsofAmericanre


內容簡介 Howard Thurman was famously known as one of the towering giants of American religion in the twentieth century. His writings have influenced some of the most important religious and political figures of the last century, from Martin Luther King to Barack Obama. Theologians such as James Cone and Cornel West regularly signal their indebtedness to him. He was a mystic, a preacher, an educator, a theologian, and much more. It is impossible to understand the African American church today without an appreciation for his contributions.And yet, while Thurman's name is often recognized, his seminal ideas have not received the attention they deserve. In this volume, internationally known leaders like Marian Wright Edelman, Parker Palmer, and Barbara Brown Taylor invite the reader into creative engagement with Thurman's writings. Anchored in the Current illuminates how Thurman's life and wisdom lead these influential names on the ancient quest to connect with the Ultimate, all while discovering the contemporary need to seek racial justice and sharpening the minds and faith of those who come after us. Readers will find important and enduring answers in the works of this indispensable prophet and teacher.


書名 / Anchored in the Current: Discovering Howard Thurman as Educator, Activist, Guide, and Prophet
作者 / Gregory C. Ellison II
簡介 / Anchored in the Current: Discovering Howard Thurman as Educator, Activist, Guide, and Prophet:HowardThurmanwasfamouslyknownasoneofthetoweringgiantsofAmericanre
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780664260668
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780664260668
誠品26碼 /
重量(g) / 303.9
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 176
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X1.2CM