Vanishing Grace: Bringing Good News to a Deeply Divided World | 誠品線上

Vanishing Grace: Bringing Good News to a Deeply Divided World

作者 Philip Yancey
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Vanishing Grace: Bringing Good News to a Deeply Divided World:ChristianshaveproclaimedthegoodnewsaboutJesusforcenturies.Butthegoodnewsisn'tsoundingsogoodthesed


內容簡介 In a time of division and discord, Christians have come to be seen not as bearers of good news and love but of judgement and intolerance. How did we get here? And what can we do about it?With a reporter's eye and a compassionate heart, Philip Yancey--bestselling author of What's So Amazing About Grace?--suggests practical ways in which we can live as salt and light within a society that is radically changing. What can we learn from those who shun church but consider themselves spiritual?How do people like artists, pilgrims, and activists model for us a more compelling path to faith than our usual concept of evangelism?Can the good news, once spoiled, ever sound good again? In Vanishing Grace, Yancey tackles challenging and timely questions and offers a discerning look at what contributes to the rising hostility toward Christians--acknowledging the ways that Christians themselves have contributed to this hostility and exploring how we can respond with both grace and truth.In the wake of recent events and cultural shifts, people both inside and outside the church are thirsty for grace. Vanishing Grace calls us to see their thirst, and ours, in a hopeful new light as we listen, love, and offer a grace that is truly good news.


書名 / Vanishing Grace: Bringing Good News to a Deeply Divided World
作者 / Philip Yancey
簡介 / Vanishing Grace: Bringing Good News to a Deeply Divided World:ChristianshaveproclaimedthegoodnewsaboutJesusforcenturies.Butthegoodnewsisn'tsoundingsogoodthesed
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780310351542
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780310351542
誠品26碼 /
尺寸 / 20.8X13.2X1.5CM
重量(g) / 272.2
尺寸 / 20.8X13.7X2.0CM
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 304
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : Yancey explores how Christians live in the middle of hostility and rejection today. He delves into the reasons for the hostility and gives models of different, more effective ways to communicate the Good News. He ultimately asks if the Gospel is Good News after all.
