Lafosse & Alexander's Essential Book of Origami: The Complete Guide for Everyone: Origami Book with 16 Lessons and Instructional DVD | 誠品線上

Lafosse & Alexander's Essential Book of Origami: The Complete Guide for Everyone: Origami Book with 16 Lessons and Instructional DVD

作者 Michael G. Lafosse ; Richard L. Alexander
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Lafosse & Alexander's Essential Book of Origami: The Complete Guide for Everyone: Origami Book with 16 Lessons and Instructional DVD:Thiscomprehensiveorigamibo


內容簡介 This comprehensive origami book covers all the essentials needed to start folding beautiful projects right away. World-renowned origami artists Michael G. LaFosse and Richard L. Alexander share their wisdom and expertise in this complete introduction to the world of origami paper folding. Beginning origami folders can progress through 16 step-by-step lessons, each with an accompanying video lesson on the free DVD included with this book. All videos are also streamable or downloadable online. Each lesson features a project that's been selected to encourage the development of origami folding techniques in a highly enjoyable way. Most of the projects are original, never seen before in print. In addition to presenting invaluable information about how to select your origami papers, how to preserve and display your origami creations, and even how to begin selling origami commercially--this origami book also presents the authors' original "philosophy" of the paper folder's art. This indispensable origami book provides an understanding of how to: Comprehend the folding properties and limitations of various papers"Dance with the Paper" which means folding in the air instead of on a tableDesign your own original origami modelsWet-fold paper moneyMake duo-sided paper by back-coatingPrepare papers with pearlescent and lustrous paints for scintillating effectsPre-paint and wet-fold watercolor paperUnderstand how the paper's grain impacts fold placement during wet-folding Fold multi-piece modular compositions All media content is alternatively accessible on the Tuttle Publishing website.


作者介紹 Michael G. LaFosse has been an origami artist for decades and is considered a leading authority and master of the art. An avid teacher, LaFosse co-founded the Origamido Studio, a learning center and design studio dedicated to the art of origami, and the only place in the world specializing in hand papermaking for the origami artist. Origamido also produces folded art and commercial designs for a variety of international clients. LaFosse co-curated Origami Now!, a wildly popular, year-long exhibition at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts. Vanessa Gould prominently featured LaFosse in the Peabody Award-winning film, Between the Folds. Richard L. Alexander co-founded the Origamido Studio with Michael G. LaFosse in 1996. He has been the chief papermaker, holding workshops since 2003, and is a frequent collaborator with other famous paper artists. He holds a degree from Cornell University in biology (systems ecology), where he also studied landscape architecture and design. He has consulted with apparel, container, toy and consumer product designers to incorporate folding theory into familiar daily use objects. Together, Alexander and LaFosse have created dozens of origami exhibitions, and over 75 books, kits and videos about paper and paper arts.


書名 / Lafosse & Alexander's Essential Book of Origami: The Complete Guide for Everyone: Origami Book with 16 Lessons and Instructional DVD
作者 / Michael G. Lafosse ; Richard L. Alexander
簡介 / Lafosse & Alexander's Essential Book of Origami: The Complete Guide for Everyone: Origami Book with 16 Lessons and Instructional DVD:Thiscomprehensiveorigamibo
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9784805312681
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9784805312681
誠品26碼 /
重量(g) / 498.9
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 96
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 27.7X21.6X1.3CM
