The First Phone Call from Heaven | 誠品線上

The First Phone Call from Heaven

作者 Mitch Albom
商品描述 The First Phone Call from Heaven:米奇‧艾爾邦《來自天堂的第一通電話》Fromthebelovedauthorofthe#1NewYorkTimesbestsellersTuesdayswithMorrieandTheFivePeopleYouMee


內容簡介 如果有一天,天堂來電,你願意相信嗎?該如何相信?【有一天,天堂會自己找上門。】◎《最後14堂星期二的課》作者米奇‧艾爾邦最新懸疑力作。◎榮登《紐約時報》暢銷排行榜、Amazon.com讀者評論4.3顆星。◎引人入勝,魔幻奇異。書中的神祕謎團令人手不釋卷,也反思人與人之間聯繫的力量。「有人懷念的靈魂,未曾真正離開。」「如果,生命的終點,不是終點?」某日清晨,密西根州小鎮「冷水鎮」,電話一通接一通響了。來電者說,自己是從天堂打來的。難道這是有史以來最偉大的奇蹟?抑或只是一場殘酷騙局?奇異來電的新聞流傳開來,外地人紛紛湧進鎮上,想要一同見證。在此同時,顏面盡失的飛官薩里‧哈定出獄,回到家鄉冷水鎮,卻發現全鎮都染上了「奇蹟熱」,就連自己年幼的兒子都隨身攜帶玩具電話,希望聽到天堂母親的來電。天堂來電次數增加,來生存在的證據開始浮現,鎮民和全球民眾也跟著轉變。只有薩里深信,除了悲慘的此生以外,再無來生。他調查電話事件,決心要揭發真相,為了兒子,也為了心碎的自己。小說在米奇‧艾爾邦筆下,自在穿梭於發明電話的一八七六年,與執念追求進一步溝通的現代世界之間。乘著狂亂的希望,讀者展開一場令人屏息的閱讀旅程。《來自天堂的第一通電話》是關於愛情、歷史、信念的成熟傑作,也是米奇‧艾爾邦的巔峰力作。本書中文書介出自《來自天堂的第一通電話》大塊文化出版From the beloved author of the #1 New York Times bestsellers Tuesdays with Morrie and The Five People You Meet in Heaven comes his most thrilling and magical novel yet—a page-turning mystery and a meditation on the power of human connection.One morning in the small town of Coldwater, Michigan, the phones start ringing. The voices say they are calling from heaven. Is it the greatest miracle ever? Or some cruel hoax? As news of these strange calls spreads, outsiders flock to Coldwater to be a part of it.At the same time, a disgraced pilot named Sully Harding returns to Coldwater from prison to discover his hometown gripped by "miracle fever. " Even his young son carries a toy phone, hoping to hear from his mother in heaven.As the calls increase, and proof of an afterlife begins to surface, the town—and the world—transforms. Only Sully, convinced there is nothing beyond this sad life, digs into the phenomenon, determined to disprove it for his child and his own broken heart.Moving seamlessly between the invention of the telephone in 1876 and a world obsessed with the next level of communication, Mitch Albom takes readers on a breathtaking ride of frenzied hope.The First Phone Call from Heaven is Albom at his best—a virtuosic story of love, history, and belief."


作者介紹 Mitch AlbomMitch Albom is the author of numerous books of fiction and nonfiction, which have collectively sold more than forty million copies in forty-seven languages worldwide. He has written seven number-one New York Times bestsellers – including Tuesdays with Morrie, the bestselling memoir of all time, which topped the list for four straight years – award-winning TV films, stage plays, screenplays, a nationally syndicated newspaper column, and a musical. Through his work at the Detroit Free Press, he was inducted into both the National Sports Media Association and Michigan Sports halls of fame and is the recipient of the 2010 Red Smith Award for lifetime achievement. After bestselling memoir Finding Chika and “Human Touch,” the weekly serial written and published online in real-time to raise funds for pandemic relief, his latest work is a return to fiction with The Stranger in the Lifeboat (Harper, November 2021). He founded and oversees SAY Detroit, a consortium of nine different charitable operations in his hometown, including a nonprofit dessert shop and food product line to fund programs for Detroit’s most underserved citizens. He also operates an orphanage in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, which he visits monthly. He lives with his wife, Janine, in Michigan. Learn more at,, and


書名 / The First Phone Call from Heaven
作者 / Mitch Albom
簡介 / The First Phone Call from Heaven:米奇‧艾爾邦《來自天堂的第一通電話》Fromthebelovedauthorofthe#1NewYorkTimesbestsellersTuesdayswithMorrieandTheFivePeopleYouMee
ISBN13 / 9780062294401
ISBN10 / 0062294407
EAN / 9780062294401
誠品26碼 / 2682205679007
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18.3X14.2X2.5CM
級別 / N:無