No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind | 誠品線上

教養, 從跟孩子的情緒做朋友開始: 孩子鬧脾氣, 正是開發全腦的好時機

作者 丹尼爾.席格/ 蒂娜.佩恩.布萊森
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind:【教養,從跟孩子的情緒做朋友開始:孩子鬧脾氣,正是開發全腦的好


內容簡介 1. 掌握不抓狂的全腦教養原則,就能發展自己的教養哲學,利用最佳方法讓孩子學到教訓!2. 了解孩子腦部發展知識,以及適合每個年紀、階段的有用教養法!3. 冷靜且充滿愛意的和孩子培養感情的方法,不管孩子的行為有多極端,同時設定清楚一致的的界線!4. 孩子發脾氣時引導他們的訣竅,就是發揮洞察力、同理心並修正缺陷!5. 再棒的父母都會犯的二十個教養錯誤,教你如何謹守並善用全腦教養的原則!終結每個父母的管教惡夢,現在就開始跟孩子的情緒做朋友!暢銷書《教孩子跟情緒做朋友》作者新作:孩子不是故意無理取鬧,他們負責分析思考的大腦25歲才發育完全!鬧脾氣等於告訴你,他們現在欠缺的能力!本書將改變你對管教的觀念:先作不抓狂的父母,才能教出不抓狂的孩子!把握每次親子衝突的時刻,當下將失控情緒翻轉化為成長契機,讓孩子學會受用一生的能力!牛奶打翻在地上、孩子們因為搶玩具而哭鬧、老師又打電話來了……面對孩子哭鬧的情緒與行為,父母很難不抓狂。但你知道嗎?孩子負責理性思考的上層大腦二十五歲左右才會發展完全,所以他們不是故意哭鬧的。與其用處罰、責罵、面壁思過管教孩子,你有更好、更有效,且可以增進親子關係的管教選擇──「不抓狂教養法」(No-Drama Displine)。教養專家丹尼爾‧席格、蒂娜‧佩恩‧布萊森從大腦神經科學出發,教家長在管教時先跟孩子的情緒做朋友,用不抓狂的全腦策略回應孩子,自然就能教出有洞察力、同理心、修復力的不抓狂小孩。將可能造成親子衝突的時刻,轉變成增進親子關係的機會,讓美好的價值觀內化為孩子特質,幫助他們在短期改變行為,並在未來追求幸福人生。【管教是教導,父母先身體力行跟情緒做朋友,孩子才能有樣】如果你厭倦對孩子大吼大叫,對孩子的偏差行為傷透腦筋又無計可施,那麼你就應該嘗試「不抓狂教養法」!它將改變你對管教的觀念:父母先不抓狂,才能教出不抓狂的孩子!孩子鬧脾氣多是因為大腦還在發展,無法像大人一樣自制,父母應該先掌握管教的本質──教導,不以直覺情緒和孩子硬碰硬,而是先想好管教的方法與目的,用言語、擁抱安撫孩子的衝動本能,再依孩子個性與場合選擇方法,有效引導他們改變行為。【透過形塑大腦發展,父母將培養出自動自發、自我管理的孩子】這樣的管教經驗,將引發一連串效果:你身體力行的教導,除了改變孩子行為,也同時改變了孩子的大腦,大腦會將這些重覆經驗內化為孩子的內在價值觀。長期來看,你的管教將愈來愈少,因為孩子慢慢會養成自己判斷、處理各種問題的能力。而在過程中,你和孩子的關係會變得更親密融洽!【不抓狂教養學,步驟一:了解大腦的三個C,有效管教並減少情緒反應】1. 孩子的大腦正在改變和發展,父母必須調整期望,了解孩子的哭鬧情緒和行為是必經過程。2. 孩子的大腦會根據經驗改變,父母可以幫助孩子瞭解這些經驗的意義,並在他們腦中轉化成「學習經驗」。3. 孩子的大腦很複雜,有的區域負責記憶、有的負責產生同心理等。父母愈引發孩子更好的本性,就愈能要求他們三思而後行或考慮他人感受,做出具有道德感和同理心的行為。【不抓狂教養學,步驟二:進行情感連結,讓孩子接納意見、深化親子關係】● 不抓狂的情感連結原則:1. 把「鯊魚音樂」轉小聲:拋開過去經驗和未來恐懼的背景雜音。2. 打破砂鍋追到底:把重點從行為本身轉移到其背後原因,為什麼孩子會這麼做?3. 想一想「怎麼做」:你說了什麼很重要,但更重要的是你怎麼說。● 幫助孩子覺得自己被理解1. 傳達安慰:擺出低於視線的姿態,再加上一個慈愛的觸摸、點頭或理解的眼神。2. 確認:即使你不喜歡孩子的行為,還是要認知甚至接納他們的感受。3. 少說多聽:孩子情緒爆發時,別解釋、說教或否定他們的感受。好好傾聽他們的心情。4. 反映你聽見的話:傾聽之後,把你聽見的話反映回去,讓孩子知道你聽進去了。【不抓狂教養學,步驟三:重新引導孩子,讓管教效果長久】● 利用管教一二三:一個定義+兩個原則+三個效果一個定義:管教即教導。先問自己三個問題:1. 為什麼孩子會做出這種行為?2. 我想讓孩子學到什麼?3. 我該怎麼好好教導這一課?兩個原則:1. 等到孩子(還有你自己)準備好,再進行管教。2. 一致但不僵化,管教需有彈性,因不同孩子、不同場合而改變。三個效果:1. 洞察力:幫助孩子瞭解自己的感受和對於困境的回應。2. 同理心:讓孩子練習反思自己的行動會如何影響他人。3. 修復力:問孩子有什麼方法可以彌補過失。● 不抓狂的重新引導策略1. 父母要減少用字,忍住不囉嗦。2. 接納孩子的情緒,也教導他們接納自己的情緒。3. 以描述實際狀況,代替說教。4. 讓孩子參與管教過程。5. 把「不行」變成有條件的「可以」。6. 強調積極面。7. 發揮創意。8. 教導第七感工具,也就是心智省察力。本中文書介出自《教養, 從跟孩子的情緒做朋友開始: 孩子鬧脾氣, 正是開發全腦的好時機》采實文化事業股份有限公司出版NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The pioneering experts behind The Whole-Brain Child and The Yes Brain tackle the ultimate parenting challenge: discipline. “A lot of fascinating insights . . . an eye-opener worth reading.”—ParentsHighlighting the fascinating link between a child’s neurological development and the way a parent reacts to misbehavior, No-Drama Discipline provides an effective, compassionate road map for dealing with tantrums, tensions, and tears—without causing a scene. Defining the true meaning of the “d” word (to instruct, not to shout or reprimand), the authors explain how to reach your child, redirect emotions, and turn a meltdown into an opportunity for growth. By doing so, the cycle of negative behavior (and punishment) is essentially brought to a halt, as problem solving becomes a win win situation. Inside this sanity-saving guide you’ll discover • strategies that help parents identify their own discipline philosophy—and master the best methods to communicate the lessons they are trying to impart• facts on child brain development—and what kind of discipline is most appropriate and constructive at all ages and stages• the way to calmly and lovingly connect with a child—no matter how extreme the behavior—while still setting clear and consistent limits• tips for navigating your child through a tantrum to achieve insight, empathy, and repair• twenty discipline mistakes even the best parents make—and how to stay focused on the principles of whole-brain parenting and discipline techniques Complete with candid stories and playful illustrations that bring the authors’ suggestions to life, No-Drama Discipline shows you how to work with your child’s developing mind, peacefully resolve conflicts, and inspire happiness and strengthen resilience in everyone in the family.Praise for No-Drama Discipline “With lucid, engaging prose accompanied by cartoon illustrations, Siegel and Bryson help parents teach and communicate more effectively.”—Publishers Weekly“Wow! This book grabbed me from the very first page and did not let go.”—Lawrence J. Cohen, Ph.D., author of The Opposite of Worry"


作者介紹 Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., is clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine, the founding co-director of the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center, and executive director of the Mindsight Institute. A graduate of Harvard Medical School, Dr. Siegel is the author of several books, including the New York Times bestsellers Brainstorm, Mind, and, with Tina Payne Bryson, The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline. He is also the author of the bestsellers Mindsight and, with Mary Hartzell, Parenting from the Inside Out. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, with welcome visits from their adult son and daughter. Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D., is the co-author (with Dan Siegel) of the bestselling The Whole-Brain Child, which has been translated into eighteen languages. She is a pediatric and adolescent psychotherapist, the director of parenting for the Mindsight Institute, and the child development specialist at Saint Mark's School in Altadena, California. She keynotes conferences and conducts workshops for parents, educators, and clinicians all over the world. Dr. Bryson earned her Ph.D. from the University of Southern California, and she lives near Los Angeles with her husband and three children.


書名 / No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind
作者 / 丹尼爾.席格 蒂娜.佩恩.布萊森
簡介 / No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind:【教養,從跟孩子的情緒做朋友開始:孩子鬧脾氣,正是開發全腦的好
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780345548061
ISBN10 / 034554806X
EAN / 9780345548061
誠品26碼 / 2682005710009
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.1X13X1.8CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 204.1