Daytime and Night-time: Explore the Earth's Habitats During the Day and Night | 誠品線上

Daytime and Night-time: Explore the Earth's Habitats During the Day and Night

作者 Michael Bright
出版社 Quarto Publishing Group UK
商品描述 Daytime and Night-time: Explore the Earth's Habitats During the Day and Night:《地球的白天與黑夜》帶你探訪地球上12種棲地中的動物地球上居住著無數動物,有些在日


內容簡介 《地球的白天與黑夜》 帶你探訪地球上12種棲地中的動物 地球上居住著無數動物,有些在日間出沒,有些則是夜行動物。這本知識繪本要帶你環遊世界,認識地球上12種棲息地裡的動物,包括南美洲的熱帶雨林、非洲大草原、澳洲內陸,以及安地斯山脈,並且以上下展開的設計,呈現更開闊的視野,讓你盡覽白天與黑夜裡不同習性的動物們。例如喜歡在夜裡趴趴走的蠹魚、蟑螂和花豹;白天愛在熱帶珊瑚礁間漫游的鸚哥魚和肩章鯊;還有只在馬達加斯加才看得道的夜行性動物,角葉尾壁虎和番茄蛙。喜歡動物和大自然的小讀者們不要錯過這本書喔!Take a trip around the world to discover the busy animals active during the day, and the magical creatures that come out at night in 12 unique habitats in this extensive exploration of the natural world. This book's fun flip-book format gives readers two books in one. Beginning with the daytime, children can explore the biodiversity of a huge range of landscapes. Readers can then flip the book and arrive at extraordinary night-time scenes where the hidden, rarely seen creatures of the night come out to play in the same landscapes, all for children to uncover. This innovative title looks at the animals of both day and night in a huge variety of habitats including the South American Rainforest, African Savannah, Australian Outback and Andes Mountains. Firm favourites and widely unknown creatures, of both the day and night, are explored, including: • Cockroaches, silverfish and leopards that scour cities by night • Parrotfish, shrimps and epaulette sharks that roam tropical coral reefs by day • Aye-ayes, leaf-tailed geckos and tomato frogs that emerge in the Madagascan night • Wild boar, brown bears and jays that enjoy the European woodland in the sunshine Sections on the animals of dawn and dusk, and even urban wildlife, make this a truly fascinating, comprehensive and fresh look at the natural world for children. The magic of the natural world during both the day and night is brought to life with Nic Jones' vibrant illustrations. Daytime and Night-time provides the perfect opportunity for children to compare and contrast 12 habitats during the day and night, and uncover the true biodiversity of our planet at all times of the day.


作者介紹 Michael BrightMichael Bright is an executive producer with the BBC’s Natural History Unit. He and his colleagues are based in Bristol, England, but they scour the entire world for stories and images. He is the author of over 75 natural history books, including Andes to Amazon; the producer of countless television and radio programs, including the award-winning television series Natural World and Wildlife on One; and has been editorial consultant on several reference works.Nic JonesNic Jones graduated from the University of Bolton with a degree in Animation and Illustration. She often finds herself inspired by the intricacy and beauty of the natural world, and applies this to her illustration and design. Her illustrations are influenced by a passion for traditional drawing techniques, and they combine rich, vivid colors, with explorative, textured brushstrokes. Nic creates her bold illustrative work in Photoshop, and she has masterfully adapted her digital painting style to convey traditional illustration techniques, whilst maintaining the commercial advantages of working digitally.


書名 / Daytime and Night-time: Explore the Earth's Habitats During the Day and Night
作者 / Michael Bright
簡介 / Daytime and Night-time: Explore the Earth's Habitats During the Day and Night:《地球的白天與黑夜》帶你探訪地球上12種棲地中的動物地球上居住著無數動物,有些在日
出版社 / Quarto Publishing Group UK
ISBN13 / 9780711283510
ISBN10 / 0711283516
EAN / 9780711283510
誠品26碼 / 2682352860006
頁數 / 64
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 29.6X23.5X1CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 《地球的白天與黑夜》帶你探訪地球上12種棲地中的動物
