Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself | 誠品線上

每一天練習照顧自己: 當我們為自己負起責任, 就能真正放手, 做自己

作者 梅樂蒂.碧緹
商品描述 Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself:【拒絕共同依賴症:如何真正放下對他人的控制,學會活得自在?全球銷量破700萬暢銷


內容簡介 《每一天,都是放手的練習》作者代表之作銷售超過800萬冊這是你的人生,你要讓自己的人生好過一些。我們生命中最重要的一個人,其實不是他人,而是我們自己。常常,我們覺得別人沒把我們當回事,那是因為我們也沒有把自己當回事。當我們全心全意都關注在他人身上,擔憂著,想要解決別人的問題,便會抽離自我,與自我失去聯繫。而我們卻忘了人生最重要、也最常忽略的責任,就是照顧自己,讓自己好過一點。放下對他人執著,讓他人做自己,讓他人自由,我們也就讓自己自由,才能真的關注自己,活出自我。別再以他人為生命重心,別再從他人身上尋找快樂。因為我們的幸福與快樂並非源自於他人,而是出自於自己。別再從他人身上尋求認同與肯定,也別再藉由他人來衡量自我的價值。因為我們來到這世上的目的並非迎合他人的期待。我們的人生也不屬於他人。我們能仰賴自己,我們能做出決定。或許他人一直不在身邊,但我們可以在自己身邊。本書作者以自身的經歷與對人生的省思,來告訴讀者,我們在人生中最終無法逃避的,就是我們得自己負責照顧自己。作者在書中列出許多寶貴的建議與練習,鼓勵讀者藉由放下執著、讓自己自由、不再當受害者、擺脫依賴、活出自己的人生、跟自己談戀愛、處理怒氣、設定自己的目標、順應自己的感覺、學會生活學會愛,勇敢地做自己,給自己所需要的,忠於自己,生命中很多的情況都會神奇地轉好。現在,就跟自己承諾,我們永遠會在自己身邊。不管人生帶來的是什麼,我們都能面對。給自己一個擁抱,給自己無盡的忠誠,讓我們開始照顧自己,負責任地過好自己選擇的人生,也讓別人依自己的選擇過生活。不論發生什麼,都不要停止照顧自己。我們值得的。本中文書介出自《每一天練習照顧自己: 當我們為自己負起責任, 就能真正放手, 做自己》遠流出版事業股份有限公司出版Have you lost sight of yourself while addressing the needs of others? Fully revised and updated, with a new chapter on trauma and anxiety, this modern classic – that has already sold over 7 million copies across the globe – will help you heal and grow.Is someone else's problem your problem? If, like so many others, you've lost sight of your own life in the drama of tending to a loved one's self-destructive behaviour, you may be codependent – and you may find yourself in this book.A cultural phenomenon that has helped heal millions of readers, this modern classic holds the key to understanding codependency and unlocking its hold on your life. Melody Beattie's compassionate and insightful look into codependency – the concept of losing oneself in the name of helping another – has helped to guide millions of readers towards the understanding that they are powerless to change anyone but themselves and that caring for the self is where healing begins.With personal reflections, exercises, and instructive stories drawn from Beattie's own life and the lives of those she's counselled, Codependent No More will help you break old patterns and maintain healthy boundaries, and offers a clear and achievable path to healing, hope, freedom and happiness. This revised edition includes an all-new chapter on trauma and anxiety – subjects Beattie has long felt need to be addressed within the context of codependency – making it even more relevant today than it was when it first entered the international conversation over thirty-five years ago.


作者介紹 Melody BeattieA pioneering voice in self-help literature, Melody Beattie is the author of many bestselling books – including The Language of Letting Go, Playing It by Heart, The Grief Club, Beyond Codependency, and The Codependent No More Workbook. In 2009, Codependent No More was named one of the four essential self-help books of all time by Newsweek. Melody lives in Southern California.


書名 / Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself
作者 / 梅樂蒂.碧緹
簡介 / Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself:【拒絕共同依賴症:如何真正放下對他人的控制,學會活得自在?全球銷量破700萬暢銷
ISBN13 / 9781035024094
ISBN10 / 1035024098
EAN / 9781035024094
誠品26碼 / 2682379806001
頁數 / 336
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.6X13.5X3.2CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 拒絕共同依賴症:如何真正放下對他人的控制,學會活得自在?全球銷量破700萬暢銷書經典再版!