Don't Trust Your Gut: Using Data to Get What You Really Want in Life | 誠品線上

數據、真相與人生: 前Google資料科學家用大數據, 找出致富、職涯與婚姻的人生解答

作者 賽斯.史蒂芬斯-大衛德維茲
商品描述 Don't Trust Your Gut: Using Data to Get What You Really Want in Life:《數據、謊言與真相》作者賽斯.史蒂芬斯-大衛德維茲新書:《數據、真相與人生:前Google資料科學


內容簡介 《數據、謊言與真相》作者賽斯.史蒂芬斯-大衛德維茲新書◆《數據、謊言與真相》作者再次重磅出擊!◆最會說故事的資料科學家,用最幽默的語句、最驚奇的發現,告訴你大數據不只是工作的利器,更是讓人生升級的工具!我們不只對朋友、對另一半、對主管說謊,甚至也對自己說謊──前Google資料科學家賽斯‧史蒂芬斯—大衛德維茲,利用「永不說謊」的大數據,親自為你探索人生的各種重大問題!從戀愛、婚姻、理財、教養到工作,真正的成功關鍵,絕對跟我們想像中截然不同!如果《數據、謊言與真相》用大數據揭露了世界的真相;本書將用這些真相,教你做出更好的人生決定! ※關於尋找對象的人生解答‧交友網站的致勝密碼除了長相好看,居然還包括長相獨特──藍色頭髮甚至大光頭!‧越級打怪的成功率其實沒有想像中低,最缺乏魅力的人越級打怪,至少有15%~35%的機率收到回覆!‧跟交往長久有正相關的不是身高、職業與外貌,而是成長思維與安全依附!→長相不如人,就盡量讓自己與眾不同;然後把焦點放在對方的內在而非外在素質。 ※關於創業致富的人生解答‧財富位居全美0.1%的人中,84%至少有部分收入來自自己的事業!‧根據稅務大數據,最容易致富的六大產業是──房地產、投資、汽車經銷商、獨立創作公司、市場調查、中盤商,因為它們能夠「規避價格競爭」!‧別被聳動報導騙了!資深圈內人自立門戶,才是創業成功率最高的一群。→選擇對的領域創業,再加上在專精領域的足夠優勢,就能大幅提升職涯成功率。※關於教養子女的人生解答‧在健康狀況、未來收入、教育程度……等方面,父母對子女的影響都出奇地小!‧孟母三遷是對的?!選對小孩的成長環境,就能讓孩子的未來收入成長12%!→你讓孩子接觸到哪些人,比起為他做的任何決定,更可能改變他的一生。從提升幸福感到掌握致富關鍵,你的直覺可能都是錯的!本書將告訴你如何用數據找出成功索引,靠數據覓得人生解答!本中文書介出自《數據、真相與人生: 前Google資料科學家用大數據, 找出致富、職涯與婚姻的人生解答》商周出版出版 "Seth Stephens-Davidowitz is more than a data scientist. He is a prophet for how to use the data revolution to reimagine your life. Don’t Trust Your Gut is a tour de force—an intoxicating blend of analysis, humor, and humanity.” — Daniel H. Pink, #1 New York Times bestselling author of When, Drive, and To Sell Is HumanBig decisions are hard. We consult friends and family, make sense of confusing “expert” advice online, maybe we read a self-help book to guide us. In the end, we usually just do what feels right, pursuing high stakes self-improvement—such as who we marry, how to date, where to live, what makes us happy—based solely on what our gut instinct tells us. But what if our gut is wrong? Biased, unpredictable, and misinformed, our gut, it turns out, is not all that reliable. And data can prove this.In Don’t Trust Your Gut, economist, former Google data scientist, and New York Times bestselling author Seth Stephens-Davidowitz reveals just how wrong we really are when it comes to improving our own lives. In the past decade, scholars have mined enormous datasets to find remarkable new approaches to life’s biggest self-help puzzles. Data from hundreds of thousands of dating profiles have revealed surprising successful strategies to get a date; data from hundreds of millions of tax records have uncovered the best places to raise children; data from millions of career trajectories have found previously unknown reasons why some rise to the top.Telling fascinating, unexpected stories with these numbers and the latest big data research, Stephens-Davidowitz exposes that, while we often think we know how to better ourselves, the numbers disagree. Hard facts and figures consistently contradict our instincts and demonstrate self-help that actually works—whether it involves the best time in life to start a business or how happy it actually makes us to skip a friend’s birthday party for a night of Netflix on the couch. From the boring careers that produce the most wealth, to the old-school, data-backed relationship advice so well-worn it’s become a literal joke, he unearths the startling conclusions that the right data can teach us about who we are and what will make our lives better.Lively, engrossing, and provocative, the end result opens up a new world of self-improvement made possible with massive troves of data. Packed with fresh, entertaining insights, Don’t Trust Your Gut redefines how to tackle our most consequential choices, one that hacks the market inefficiencies of life and leads us to make smarter decisions about how to improve our lives. Because in the end, the numbers don’t lie."


作者介紹 Seth Stephens-DavidowitzSeth Stephens-Davidowitz is a contributing op-ed writer for the New York Times, a lecturer at The Wharton School, and a former Google data scientist. He received a BA from Stanford and a PhD from Harvard. His research has appeared in the Journal of Public Economics and other prestigious publications. He lives in New York City.


書名 / Don't Trust Your Gut: Using Data to Get What You Really Want in Life
作者 / 賽斯.史蒂芬斯-大衛德維茲
簡介 / Don't Trust Your Gut: Using Data to Get What You Really Want in Life:《數據、謊言與真相》作者賽斯.史蒂芬斯-大衛德維茲新書:《數據、真相與人生:前Google資料科學
ISBN13 / 9780063239371
ISBN10 / 006323937X
EAN / 9780063239371
誠品26碼 / 2682068821001
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 0.1X0.1X0.1CM
級別 / N:無
