Not in That Dress, Princess! | 誠品線上

Not in That Dress, Princess!

作者 Wendy Meddour
出版社 Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
商品描述 Not in That Dress, Princess!:有個小女孩Bess,住在皇宮裡,她很討厭當公主。皇后老是說:「你得乖乖待在室內」。不可以踢球,尤其不要穿那件洋裝踢球。但是,小公主偏不


內容簡介 不要穿那件洋裝 有個小女孩Bess,住在皇宮裡,她很討厭當公主。皇后老是說:「你得乖乖待在室內」。不可以踢球,尤其不要穿那件洋裝踢球。但是,小公主偏不服,她爬樹、喝茶、看小豬玩泥巴、轉圈圈,都穿著洋裝。皇后說:「你必須待在皇宮內」,有個性的小公主才不要呢,「看我大鬧一場吧」,於是她往外跑,玩水、騎馬打仗、修理插座、追蝴蝶、溜冰、爬山、滑雪、開飛機、和巫師跳舞…,跋山涉水,穿著裙子也沒問題。小公主的兄弟見她穿裙子一樣能東奔西跑,竟也想穿起裙子呢! Once there was a girl called Bess who hated being a princess...For while her brothers can do anything they want, the princess is stuck inside the palace in her dress. "Can I climb a tree?" "NOT IN THAT DRESS!" But..."Just watch me" says the princess. She skips up a mountain, dances with a wizard, flies a plane, meets wild animals - and proves to everyone that THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN'T DO IN A DRESS!


作者介紹 Wendy Meddour Wendy Meddour's A Hen in the Wardrobe (2012) was shortlisted for the Branford Boase Award and chosen by the Guardian as one of the 50 best culturally diverse books. She is author How the Library (not the Prince) Saved Rapunzel and of the internationally successful Wendy Quill series. She lives in Devon, England.


書名 / Not in That Dress, Princess!
作者 / Wendy Meddour
簡介 / Not in That Dress, Princess!:有個小女孩Bess,住在皇宮裡,她很討厭當公主。皇后老是說:「你得乖乖待在室內」。不可以踢球,尤其不要穿那件洋裝踢球。但是,小公主偏不
出版社 / Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
ISBN13 / 9781913074012
ISBN10 / 1913074013
EAN / 9781913074012
誠品26碼 / 2681997842002
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 28.2X24.8X0.8CM
級別 / N:無