Lucky Red Envelope: A lift-the-flap Lunar New Year Celebration (+140 Flaps) | 誠品線上

Lucky Red Envelope: A lift-the-flap Lunar New Year Celebration (+140 Flaps)

作者 Vikki Zhang
出版社 Quarto Publishing Group UK
商品描述 Lucky Red Envelope: A lift-the-flap Lunar New Year Celebration (+140 Flaps):華麗的《紅包》翻翻書華裔設計師張文綺帶你認識中國農曆新年每次過年,家家戶戶都會忙著


內容簡介 華麗的《紅包》翻翻書 華裔設計師張文綺帶你認識中國農曆新年 每次過年,家家戶戶都會忙著大掃除、貼春聯、準備年夜飯。大街小巷張燈結彩,到處熱鬧滾滾!這本繪本用小孩的角度看中國新年的習俗和傳統,以12個跨頁、超過140個小翻頁讓小讀者認識迎接新年的有趣慶祝方式。 中國裔新銳插畫設計師張文綺畫風復古華麗,充滿奇思妙想。常與曹文軒等家喻戶曉的兒童文學作家合作,至今已出版50多本繪本。曾入選紐約插畫家協會雙年展,得過金龍獎最佳插畫獎銀獎等獎項。這本美麗的繪本完美描繪了中國農曆新年的歡樂氣氛,兼具藝術性及知識性。Get ready for Lunar New Year, following a little girl and her family as they get ready for and celebrate the Lunar New Year festival. With non-fiction information about the significance of certain rituals, but told through the excited eyes of a child, this is a book to return to year after year in the run up to the biggest festival in the Chinese calendar. Each of the 12 spreads will feature 12 lift flaps, 144 in total. Spreads include: - See the little girl decorate the house with lucky red decorations - Tidy the house to welcome in the new year - Watch a special firework display - Discover which animal year it will be - Make festive dumplings with Nainai (grandma) - Read a story about the zodiac with Yeye (grandpa) - Watch a lion and dragon dance in the town square - Make offerings to her ancestors - And on the very last spread, have a traditional family reunion new year on the eve of Lunar new year and exchange lucky red envelopes.


作者介紹 Vikki ZhangVikki Zhang is an illustrator, artist and founder of kids brand NIANYI年年, currently living between Shanghai and New York. She was born in China, Jiangsu. She studied traditional Chinese painting which has had a fundamental influence on her artwork. She has produced artwork for Gucci, Burberry, Fila, The New York Times, China Post among many others. She is the winner of The 63rd Society of illustrators NYC (book category), and The 16th CACC Best Illustration. She has held solo exhibitions in Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou.


書名 / Lucky Red Envelope: A lift-the-flap Lunar New Year Celebration (+140 Flaps)
作者 / Vikki Zhang
簡介 / Lucky Red Envelope: A lift-the-flap Lunar New Year Celebration (+140 Flaps):華麗的《紅包》翻翻書華裔設計師張文綺帶你認識中國農曆新年每次過年,家家戶戶都會忙著
出版社 / Quarto Publishing Group UK
ISBN13 / 9780711285910
ISBN10 / 0711285918
EAN / 9780711285910
誠品26碼 / 2682362301001
頁數 / 24
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 28X20X1CM
級別 / N:無
材質 /
適用年齡 / 3歲以上


最佳賣點 : 華麗的《紅包》翻翻書
