Colours and Faces of India | 誠品線上

Colours and Faces of India

作者 David Krasnostein
出版社 teNeues Verlag GmbH
商品描述 Colours and Faces of India:Handsthattellstories,asparkleintheeyes,orwrinklesonthefaceinscribingawholelifelived.InthisnewbookofstreetphotographyinIndia,DavidKra


內容簡介 A delightful photography book for lovers of India. Impressive photographs of people and places from across the country Hands that tell stories, a sparkle in the eyes, or wrinkles on the face inscribing a whole life lived. In this new book of street photography in India, David Krasnostein captures the experiences and histories of everyday people. His striking images are prefaced by an Introduction describing his photographic practice, as well as the Indian culture, religion, and rituals he has come to know and love.


書名 / Colours and Faces of India
作者 / David Krasnostein
簡介 / Colours and Faces of India:Handsthattellstories,asparkleintheeyes,orwrinklesonthefaceinscribingawholelifelived.InthisnewbookofstreetphotographyinIndia,DavidKra
出版社 / teNeues Verlag GmbH
ISBN13 / 9783961712861
ISBN10 / 3961712867
EAN / 9783961712861
誠品26碼 / 2681982425005
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 32.1X25.4X3.3CM
級別 / N:無