內容簡介 兩屆凱迪克得獎畫家Chris Raschka創作 愛貓人士必備愛、憤怒、傷害、善良和寬恕 都在一聲Meow裡 女孩和她的貓咪Marigold是形影不離的好夥伴。Marigold自在地在廚房凳子跳來跳去,女孩則在廚房桌子上畫畫。貓咪撲上桌子 ,破壞了女孩的畫作,女孩手一揮,貓咪趕緊跳離, 窩在角落。女孩邊看書邊走路,沒留意,不小心踩了貓咪尾巴,貓咪又痛又生氣,躲在床底下,不理女孩了。貓咪生氣了,女孩會怎麼做呢?身為好夥伴,當然是趕緊尋找並道歉喔。 整本書只有狀聲詞meow,以meow表達所有情緒。小讀者得觀察貓咪的meow是舒服、委屈、自在還是生氣。透過貓咪表情,和女孩反應,給予讀者情緒感受,特別適合用於情感教育。 "
作者介紹 Chris Raschka Chris Raschka is the creator of many distinguished and award-winning books for children. He has received two Caldecott Medals—one for The Hello, Goodbye Window, written by Norton Juster, and one for his own A Ball for Daisy. He also received a Caldecott Honor for Yo! Yes? Chris Raschka was the US nominee for the Hans Christian Andersen Award in 2012 and 2016 and has been awarded a New York Times Best Illustrated Book citation five times. He lives in New York City with his family.