Order Out of Chaos | 誠品線上

Order Out of Chaos

作者 Scott Walker
商品描述 Order Out of Chaos:Anewapproachtosucceedinginnegotiationswherefailureisnotanoption,fromoneoftheworld'smostexperiencedkidnapforransomnegotiators.ScottWalkerhasp


內容簡介 A new approach to succeeding in negotiations where failure is not an option, from one of the world's most experienced kidnap for ransom negotiators.Scott Walker has probably one of the most difficult jobs in the world. When pirates have hijacked a ship, when a criminal gang has kidnapped someone, when an entire company's future is being held to ransom from a cyber-attack, Scott is the person who gets called in. He has successfully negotiated more than 300 such incidents using the principles in this book.His methods, centred in empathy, active listening, trust-based influence and emotional control, will help you achieve the outcome you want. Regardless of whether you're an executive in a multi-national organisation, the owner of a small business, a local sports team coach or running the family household, you're negotiating every single day, whether you realise it or not.Learn the skills Scott uses to resolve life or death kidnappings all over the world ­- from the Niger Delta, China and the Philippines to the Middle East, Europe and Latin America - and how to apply them to your own life, at work and at home.Order Out of Chaos provides tools that cut straight to the most effective way of communicating, particularly in times of crisis, change and uncertainty.


作者介紹 Scott Walker served as a Scotland Yard detective for 16 years investigating all aspects of serious and organised crime, including kidnappings and terrorism. He also deployed overseas as part of a military intelligence interrogation team to interdict and question High-Value Targets. When he left the police in 2015, Walker joined a crisis and risk management consultancy that specialised in kidnap for ransom negotiations and resolving other similar perils all over the world.Walker continues to advise, train and coach leaders at all levels of an organisation who are keen to enhance their resilience, emotional intelligence and communication skills. He helps companies build a resilient mindset culture and develop engaged, fulfilled, purpose-driven and productive teams and is in demand as a keynote speaker.Order Out of Chaos is his first book.For more information visit www.scottwalkerbooks.co.uk or find Scott at:Facebook ScottWalkerBooksTwitter @S_WalkerBooksInstagram @scottwalkerbooksLinkedIn linkedin.com in scottaw


書名 / Order Out of Chaos
作者 / Scott Walker
簡介 / Order Out of Chaos:Anewapproachtosucceedinginnegotiationswherefailureisnotanoption,fromoneoftheworld'smostexperiencedkidnapforransomnegotiators.ScottWalkerhasp
ISBN13 / 9780349434988
ISBN10 / 0349434980
EAN / 9780349434988
誠品26碼 / 2682366628005
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X2.2CM
級別 / N:無
