Elephant Island | 誠品線上


作者 雷歐.提姆
出版社 Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
商品描述 Elephant Island:機關巧妙的樂園島大象Arnold的船被暴風雨的大浪打得支離破碎,擱淺在岸上,有誰可以幫幫忙?這時來了一艘小船,開船的是…老鼠!:誠品以「人文、藝術、


內容簡介 機關巧妙的樂園島大象Arnold的船被暴風雨的大浪打得支離破碎, 擱淺在岸上,有誰可以幫幫忙?這時來了一艘小船,開船的是…老鼠!大象嚇死了,但是不得不接受小老鼠幫忙。這時候又來一隻狗,非常淡定 、猶如馬蓋仙的牠利用破船爛鐵拼拼湊湊,把輪子和滑輪變成摩天輪、升降機和鬆餅機,動物們合力將這裡改造成安穩、充滿小機關的趣味樂園 ,內有洋房、溜滑梯、空中小釣船…,吸引各方動物朋友們前來遊玩——長頸鹿看書, 鱷魚吊小鴨子、兔子烤鬆餅……簡直是天堂啊!在歐洲大受歡迎的Elephant Island,每個跨頁都有豐富的細節,喜歡樂高或建構、手做的小朋友一定會喜歡!A shipwrecked elephant makes his tiny island a home for the many friends who come to the rescue, in the new picture book from New York Times Illustrated Book Award winning author.Caught in a storm, Arnold the elephant washes up on a tiny island. Along comes Mouse in a little dingy and Arnold steps aboard...uh-oh! They use the wreckage to make the island bigger. And here’s Dog-can this boat take Arnold’s weight? Uh-oh!None of the animals can save the shipwrecked elephant but each broken vessel provides new materials for another intricate construction. Wheels and pulleys create a Ferris wheel, an elevator, a waffle maker. All the animals work as a team to build increasingly intricate constructions that turn the desert island into a fun park city. Soon there is a whole community and enough space for everyone!As with all Leo Timmers picture books, Elephant Island has many layers of discovery. Tapping into the childhood pleasure of contraptions, this cheerful picture book is full of complex and playful visual detail and humour that Leo Timmers’ readers love. Preschoolers who enjoy Meccano and Lego will find joy on every page with the creation of each new imaginative construction, packed with mechanical detail on bright double page spreads. Elephant Island is a runaway hit in Europe.Translated by James Brown."


作者介紹 Leo TimmersLeo Timmers was born in Belgium in 1970. Trained in graphic design, he illustrates for Belgian magazines and papers as well as illustrating picture books.


書名 / Elephant Island
作者 / 雷歐.提姆
簡介 / Elephant Island:機關巧妙的樂園島大象Arnold的船被暴風雨的大浪打得支離破碎,擱淺在岸上,有誰可以幫幫忙?這時來了一艘小船,開船的是…老鼠!:誠品以「人文、藝術、
出版社 / Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
ISBN13 / 9781776574346
ISBN10 / 1776574346
EAN / 9781776574346
誠品26碼 / 2682131391004
頁數 / 48
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X28X1CM
級別 / N:無