Party of One: The Rise of Xi Jinping and China's Superpower Future | 誠品線上

Party of One: The Rise of Xi Jinping and China's Superpower Future

作者 Chun Han Wong
商品描述 Party of One: The Rise of Xi Jinping and China's Superpower Future:取材自中國知情人士、民間團體與長年研究分析中國共產黨官方論述的學者、外交人員的第一手報導,華


內容簡介 取材自中國知情人士、民間團體與長年研究分析中國共產黨官方論述的學者、外交人員的第一手報導,華爾街日報前駐北京記者王春翰,以尖銳的筆鋒剖析習近平如何在黨內、國內,乃至於國際社會上同時激起恐懼與巨浪,以鞏固其一人獨大的領導地位。 From one of the most respected reporters on China today, a vital new account of the political education of Xi Jinping, the authoritarian leader of China whose hard-edged tactics have set the rising superpower on a collision with Western liberal democracies.Party of One: The Rise of Xi Jinping and the Superpower Future of China shatters the many myths and caricatures that shroud one of the world's most secretive political organisations and its leader. Many observers misread Xi's intentions during his early years in power, projecting onto him their own hopes that he would emerge as a liberal-minded reformer who steers China toward more political openness, rule of law, and pro-market economics - and overlooking how he has advanced his career by masking his beliefs under a cloak of strategic ambiguity.Combining narrative drama and incisive analysis, Party of One explains how Xi has shaken up the world's most populous nation with hard-edged authoritarianism, and set this rising superpower on a collision course with Western liberal democracies. Chun Han Wong draws on his years of first-hand reporting across China - spanning conversations with Party insiders and grassroots members, insights from scholars and diplomats who've studied and interacted closely with the Party bureaucracy, as well as analyses of official speeches and documents - to piece together a broad, digestible account of how Xi inspired fear and fervor in his Party, his nation, and beyond.


作者介紹 Chun Han WongWong has been a reporter with The Wall Street Journal since 2010. He has chronicled Xi Jinping's campaign to accrue personal power and enforce Party control-from crackdowns on corruption, dissent and independent scholarship, and efforts to enforce the Party's narratives in online spaces, businesses, schools and even private homes. In August 2019, after the Chinese government refused to renew Chun Han's press credentials, he moved to the Journal's bureau in Hong Kong, where he has continued covering Chinese politics, examining Xi's hard-nosed strategy for crushing dissent in the former British colony, his increasingly coercive efforts to reel in the island democracy of Taiwan, as well as the domestic and diplomatic fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic that first emerged in central China. Chun Han was born and raised in Singapore and is a native speaker in English and Mandarin Chinese.


書名 / Party of One: The Rise of Xi Jinping and China's Superpower Future
作者 / Chun Han Wong
簡介 / Party of One: The Rise of Xi Jinping and China's Superpower Future:取材自中國知情人士、民間團體與長年研究分析中國共產黨官方論述的學者、外交人員的第一手報導,華
ISBN13 / 9781472158505
ISBN10 / 1472158504
EAN / 9781472158505
誠品26碼 / 2682345799009
頁數 / 400
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24X15.6X2.2CM
級別 / N:無
