內容簡介 ※建議使用年齡為2歲以上,2歲以下寶寶,請父母陪同閱讀,並留意翻閱,以免因為紙張堅硬,而造成幼兒肌膚受傷✰童趣俏皮歌唱繪本!一起跟著書中人物大聲高歌吧! 一本可愛的音樂遊戲書、本書系堅固的紙板材質,專為活潑好動的小讀者們而設計!每本音樂歌謠遊戲書都有免費人聲錄製童謠,只要掃描QR CODE,就能讓孩子們跟著合唱! 兒童們的完美發聲練習!如果你很快樂,就跟著車上的人們一起唱出聲音吧~唐老先生有塊地~咿呀咿呀喲~~~ 小黑羊,咩咩叫 童謠推拉轉硬頁遊戲書經典的童謠,小朋友動動手指,推一推,滑一滑,一起聽可愛的故事並唱唱歌吧!雜貨店老闆小黑羊開胖卡進城,嘟嘟嘟,出發!﹙拉﹚車子一開走,車後有兔子、小熊和狗狗向他揮手說再見呢。小黑羊補完貨回到店面,門應聲而開。狗狗前來詢問:「有羊毛嗎?」「有喔有喔!」﹙推﹚羊老闆從櫃檯後方拿出三袋。「太棒了,我都要!」﹙轉轉繞圈﹚「請幫我送貨給我的男主人,一袋給我的女主人,還有一袋給附近巷尾的小男孩。」謝謝你了,小黑羊老闆!An adorable Sing-Along board book story, with five robust board sliders-easy for little hands to use! Each board book comes with a free instrumental and vocal version of the nursery rhyme-simply scan the QR code for little ones to listen and sing along! With bright illustrations this series make the perfect gift for a baby or toddler! There are loads of titles to collect... Sing Along with Me! The Wheels on the Bus Sing Along with Me! If You're Happy and You Know it Sing Along with Me! Old Macdonald Had a Farm Sing Along with Me! Row, Row, Row Your Boat ...and many more!"
作者介紹 Yu-Hsuan HuangYu-hsuan Huang is an illustrator and artist from Taichung City, Taiwan, where she lives with her family and two lovely cats. After graduating from National Taiwan Normal University with a BFA degree in art, Yu-hsuan started her career as an illustrator, working on editorials, picture books and commercial projects. She also has her own illustration brand named ""Smohouse"".Yu-hsuan's works are inspired by animals and her life experiences. Her soothing and warm-hearted artwork aims to comfort people, and bring happiness to everyone.