Lady Joker Vol. 1 | 誠品線上

レディ.ジョーカー 上

作者 高村薫
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Lady Joker Vol. 1:髙村薰《LadyJoker》OneofJapan’sgreatmodernmasters,KaoruTakamura,makesherEnglish-languagedebutwiththistwo-volumepublicationofhermagnumopus.To


內容簡介 深陷瘋狂漩渦的男人執念,他們最後的終點究竟在何方?髙村薰生涯代表系列「合田雄一郎」系列第三作。以日本著名懸案「固利果‧森永事件」為靈感,兩度影視化,大受好評的髙村流小說!「美麗的事物將會拯救你我於卑微之中。」──《Lady Joker》「現在自己生存的這個時空,整體似乎正在分秒收縮,彷彿時間與空間都已所剩無幾,近似某種焦躁感。日常生活中意義不明的小小煩躁,這種左思右想下不知不覺陷入的恍惚,一切彷彿都在一點一滴、毫不留情地折磨自己。」物井清三,孑然一身、無所掛念,守著一方小店的老人。半田修平,在漫長的警察生涯中,累積著沒有出口的怒氣的男人。高 克己,在自己的出身和對截然不同的生活的渴望之間,動彈不得的男人。布川淳一,困在女兒身邊,嚮往著自由的男人。松戶陽吉,對未來毫無想望的男人。在賽馬場的天空下,這樣的五個男人相遇了,被物井內心的魔鬼引誘,內心滿是閉塞感的他們決定大幹一場--綁架首屈一指的大企業日之出啤酒的社長,城山恭介。這件震驚世間的綁架案引發了巨大的效應。懷疑被害者和綁匪之間有著暗盤交易,然而調查卻處處碰壁的刑警;趁機想要從中撈上一筆油水的黑道分子;敏銳地察覺到隱藏在綁架案背後的禁忌真相的記者;所有人的人生都被這場綁架永遠改變,沒人知道它會將眾人帶往何處……本中文書介出自《Lady Joker 上》獨步文化出版One of Japan’s great modern masters, Kaoru Takamura, makes her English-language debut with this two-volume publication of her magnum opus.Tokyo, 1995. Five men meet at the racetrack every Sunday to bet on horses. They have little in common except a deep disaffection with their lives, but together they represent the social struggles and griefs of post-War Japan: a poorly socialized genius stuck working as a welder; a demoted detective with a chip on his shoulder; a Zainichi Korean banker sick of being ostracized for his race; a struggling single dad of a teenage girl with Down syndrome. The fifth man bringing them all together is an elderly drugstore owner grieving his grandson, who has died suspiciously after the revelation of a family connection with the segregated buraku community, historically subjected to severe discrimination.Intent on revenge against a society that values corporate behemoths more than human life, the five conspirators decide to carry out a heist: kidnap the CEO of Japan’s largest beer conglomerate and extract blood money from the company’s corrupt financiers.Inspired by the unsolved true-crime kidnapping case perpetrated by “the Monster with 21 Faces,” Lady Joker has become a cultural touchstone since its 1997 publication, acknowledged as the magnum opus by one of Japan’s literary masters, twice adapted for film and TV and often taught in high school and college classrooms."


作者介紹 Kaoru Takamura Kaoru Takamura was born in Osaka in 1953 and is the author of thirteen novels. Her debut, Grab the Money and Run, won the 1990 Japan Mystery and Suspense Grand Prize, and since then her work has been recognized with many of Japan's most prestigious awards for literary fiction as well as for crime fiction: the Naoki Prize, the Noma Literary Award, the Yomiuri Prize, the Shinran Prize, the Jiro Osaragi Prize, the Mystery Writers of Japan Award, and the Japan Adventure Fiction Association Prize. Lady Joker, her first novel to be translated into English, received the Mainichi Arts Award and has been adapted into both a film and a television series. Allison Markin PowellAllison Markin Powell is a literary translator, editor, and publishing consultant. She has been awarded grants from English PEN and the NEA, and the 2020 PEN America Translation Prize for The Ten Loves of Nishino by Hiromi Kawakami. Her other translations include works by Osamu Dazai, Kanako Nishi, and Fuminori Nakamura. She was the guest editor for the first Japan issue of Words Without Borders, and she maintains the database Japanese Literature in English.Marie IidaMarie Iida has served as an interpreter for the New York Times bestselling author Marie Kondo's Emmy-nominated Netflix documentary series, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. Her nonfiction translations have appeared in Nang, MoMA Post, Eureka and over half a dozen monographs on contemporary Japanese artists and architects, including Yayoi Kusama, Toyo Ito, and Kenya Hara for Rizzoli New York. Marie currently writes a monthly column for Gentosha Plus about communicating in English as a native Japanese speaker.


書名 / Lady Joker Vol. 1
作者 / 高村薫
簡介 / Lady Joker Vol. 1:髙村薰《LadyJoker》OneofJapan’sgreatmodernmasters,KaoruTakamura,makesherEnglish-languagedebutwiththistwo-volumepublicationofhermagnumopus.To
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9781641293945
ISBN10 / 1641293942
EAN / 9781641293945
誠品26碼 / 2682185541004
頁數 / 600
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.9X14.1X4.1CM
級別 / N:無