雅思聽力聖經 (附英式發音MP3) | 誠品線上

雅思聽力聖經 (附英式發音MP3)

作者 Amanda Chou
出版社 聯合發行股份有限公司
商品描述 雅思聽力聖經 (附英式發音MP3):最強雅思聽力學習方式──掌握高階聽力同義轉換能力鞏固聽力核心技能記憶和聽誦循環必考字彙一次性直取雅思聽力8.0高分!!!––––––––


內容簡介 最強雅思聽力學習方式── 掌握高階聽力同義轉換能力 鞏固聽力核心技能 記憶和聽誦循環必考字彙 一次性直取雅思聽力8.0高分!!! –––––––––––––––– 三大學習法,依步驟循序漸進練習近9本官方雅思試題練習量 ,一本搞定雅思聽力!!! 1. 影子跟讀設計練習 2. 聽力填空練習 (近1000題) 3. 官方擬真試題 (精選400題) 學習特點 ▍真題重現﹕學術類選題與官方聽、讀主題完全一致,且學術類和生活類均收錄雅思聽、讀循環必考字彙,一次性攻略雅思考試。 學術類主題精選了官方常考題,例如﹕諾貝爾的生平、汽車、塗鴉、動物玩耍和飛機等的歷史,這些都會在聽或讀的主題中循環出現,可以增加熟悉感,加速閱讀等答題速度。此外,生活類主題也納入更多生活類常考字彙,像是telephone, refrigerator等用字,將時間花在刀口,只演練跟拼讀這些必考字彙。 ▍指點迷津﹕改善初、中階程度考生寫無數官方試題和考古題,成績卻無顯著成效的問題,省掉走更多冤枉路。 初、中階程度考生在達到某個基礎聽力水平前,直接寫無數官方試題和考古題,無助於考試的提升。官方試題更適合具備一定程度的考生拿來練習題目。大多數考生要先達到能聽到每篇主題的常考字彙(像是書中規劃的「填空測驗」)且都聽對,才進一步以官方試題演練以收更佳學習成效並減少挫折感。 ▍學貴有恆﹕規劃影子跟讀設計,持之以恆反覆演練核心聽力能力。 不可否認的是,聽力核心能力的提升,分數才會提升,書籍中規劃的影子跟讀設計,適合各程度考生演練並反覆演練。初階考生用於提升核心能力。高階考生用於提升答section 3和section 4等需要更多聽力技能等的答題,且需要準確定位較不易定位到的聽力訊息,持續性演練影子跟讀能大幅強化聽力水平。(高階考生大多能在section 1和section 2拿到全對) ▍活學活用﹕超虐400題,報含更多數字等各考點的演練,考生直取聽力8分以上高分,連續2-3次雅思應考,聽力成績都是聽力7.5分者更該練習,省掉更多報名費 鄉民中流傳一句,聽、讀隨便考都7分,但下句卻是雅思聽力7.5分以上難,7.5和8.0分間還包含一些細微性的聽力掌握、同義轉換的拿捏,細心度等等的,書籍中在基礎填空題外,規劃了官方版擬真試題,協助考生一次性掌握關鍵並直取聽力8.0分。 ▍精益求精﹕掌握細微、隱晦且不易答、不易定位或同義改寫題,多對1–2題就能獲取8.5或9.0高分 聽力原文: Beginning in the early 1600s, the Dutch East India Company at what is now Tainan was trying to get a piece of the successful spice trade that Spain operated from Manila and the Portuguese operated on Macau.,試題中改寫成The Dutch East India Company was having a competition with two nations: ________ and ________.,其實可以反推出17 世紀初,荷蘭東印度公司當時為了成功與占領馬尼拉的西班牙,據有澳門的葡萄牙爭奪香料貿易,所以是與葡萄牙和西班牙競爭香料貿易。 聽力原文: This allows for the freshly butchered beef to be delivered directly to soup shops in the heart of the city and served as fresh as possible.,試題中改寫成________ to the city soup shops can be maintained by the butchering ritual.,聽到的關鍵字是delivered但根據試題空格要改成名詞,即delivery,更難的試題其實包含了詞性等的轉換。 聽力原文: The hot springs not only are used for spa and regular bath, after water treatment, the hot spring water here is also drinkable.,試題中改寫成Before water treatment, the hot spring water here is ________ .,句意有轉換所以要把drinkable改成undrinkable才是正確答案。 (更多考點請見書籍內容...)


作者介紹 Amanda ChouAmanda Chou 多年來致力於雅思、托福考試及大眾類英語培訓教學。 經常思考各種學習策略,協助學生能快速達到學習目標。現為自由作家。


產品目錄 Part 1 生活類主題 Unit 1 台南-蝦米飯 Unit 2 台南-鹹粥 Unit 3 台南-土產牛肉 Unit 4 高雄-楊桃湯 Unit 5 高雄-鹹水鴨 Unit 6 屏東-東港鮪魚 Unit 7 屏東-潮州旗魚黑輪 Unit 8 宜蘭-三星蔥油餅 Unit 9 宜蘭-魚丸米粉 Unit 10 嘉義-豆花 Unit 11 雲林-炊仔飯 Unit 12 東海-雞腳凍 Unit 13 台中-豬血糕 Unit 14 新竹-紅豆餅 Unit 15 桃園-刨冰山 Unit 16 台北-鐵蛋 Unit 17 屏東-胡椒蝦 Unit 18 桃園-餡餅 Unit 19 南投-傳統口味營養三明治 Unit 20 南投-意麵 Unit 21 金門貢糖和高粱酒 Unit 22 臺灣烏龍茶 Unit 23 高山茶 Unit 24 古坑咖啡 Unit 25 庵古坑和橙之鄉 Unit 26 惠蓀咖啡 Unit 27 北投溫泉 Unit 28 知本溫泉 Unit 29 礁溪溫泉 Unit 30 拉拉山水蜜桃 Part 2 學術類主題 Unit 31 塑膠工業之父 Unit 32 諾貝爾的生平 Unit 33 直升機的發展和貢獻 Unit 34 聽診器帶來的便利性 Unit 35 汽車發展史 Unit 36 飛機的發明 Unit 37 利普斯 Unit 38 打字機的發明 Unit 39 石墨:皇室的象徵 Unit 40 原子筆的潛力 Unit 41 解雇促成了立可白發明 Unit 42 紙技術傳至歐洲 Unit 43 底片的進展 Unit 44 燈泡的發展 Unit 45 尿布 Unit 46 動物玩耍 Unit 47 伍迪.艾倫的電影 Unit 48 知名華裔美籍建築師貝聿銘 Unit 49 塗鴉藝術 Unit 50 反烏托邦的文學


書名 / 雅思聽力聖經 (附英式發音MP3)
作者 / Amanda Chou
簡介 / 雅思聽力聖經 (附英式發音MP3):最強雅思聽力學習方式──掌握高階聽力同義轉換能力鞏固聽力核心技能記憶和聽誦循環必考字彙一次性直取雅思聽力8.0高分!!!––––––––
出版社 / 聯合發行股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789860609516
ISBN10 / 9860609519
EAN / 9789860609516
誠品26碼 / 2681994120004
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
尺寸 / 23X17X1.4CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 學術類選題與官方聽、讀主題完全一致的「真題重現」規劃,且學術類和生活類均收錄雅思聽、讀循環必考字彙,盡破考官出題。書中更搭配影子跟讀規劃,有效協助各程度學習者提升「理解力」、「專注力」和「定位能力」,破除7.5分雅思聽力魔咒。具備兩階段聽力基礎後,精煉關鍵400試題,掌握巧秒關鍵,直取8.0以上高分


自序 : 雅思聽力聖經 作者序








內文 : Kaohsiung Star Fruit Drink

Star1.________ – also known as carambola – is a sweet and juicy 2. ________ fruit with five 3. ________ ridges running its 4. ________. Carambola’s roots, 5. ________, leaves, 6. ________, and fruits all can be used for 7. ________ purposes. Carambola contains sucrose, fructose, 8. ________, malic acid, citric acid, oxalic acid and 9. ________ B1, B2, C and protein. In ancient times, it was used for its 10. ________ effect to fight 11. ________. Star fruit in Taiwan is commonly used for sore 12. ________. Turning the fruit into 13. ________ juice is as simple as combining equal parts sliced fruit and 14. ________ in a large jar, covering it to keep the 15. ________ out, and setting the jar in the 16. ________ for a few days. Alcohol 17. ________ would increase to the level of a fruit 18. ________ if the jar was left for a full three weeks. Vendors serve up the fermented drink 19. ________ cold in plastic to-go cups with 20. ________. Fermented star fruit drink can also be served hot. In addition to ready to serve cold star fruit drink, vendors also sell concentrated star fruit drink in bottles. In winter people like to add hot water to the concentrated star fruit drink.


In today’s lecture, we are going to cover more details concerning the play of young animals. The first type is locomotor play. As the word locomotor implies, this type of play strengthens muscle and physical coordination. The second type is predatory play, in which animals stalk and swoop upon playmates to mimic hunting behaviors. Even birds, such as falcons, crows, and swallows, engage in predatory play; they drop tiny objects from above and descend rapidly to catch those objects. The third type is object play, which is often played solitarily and combined with predatory play, though not always. For instance, primates, due to their adroitness, play with various objects in a similar way as human children do. Primates have been proven to demonstrate their imagination in object play. In research, a chimpanzee having been trained to use sign language placed a purse on his foot, and gave the sign for “shoe”. The fourth type is social play, which allows animals to form friendship, learn cooperation, and mimic adult competitive behaviors without acting violent. Regarding the benefits of play, I would like to focus on the effects on the brain. Emotionally, play just makes animals feel relaxed and less stressed. They touch one another the most when playing, and touching stimulates a chemical in the brain called opiate, which generates a soothing feeling. To sum up, there are at least four areas that play exerts positive effects on: physical, social, emotional, and intelligent areas.

1. locomotor: strengthens muscle and physical ________
2. predatory play: swoop upon playmates to mimic hunting ________
3. birds: ________, crows, and swallows, engage in predatory play
4. object play: primates possess ________
5. In research: a ________ having been trained to use sign language
6. social play: develop traits, such as friendship, cooperation, and ________
7. brain: touching stimulates a ________
8. four areas: physical, social, emotional, and ________ areas.

1. coordination
2. behaviors
3. falcons
4. adroitness
5. chimpanzee
6. imitation
7. chemical
8. intelligent