英文文法一點靈 | 誠品線上


作者 蘇瑩珊
出版社 聯合發行股份有限公司
商品描述 英文文法一點靈:內容簡介多一點少一點差一點差很大東一點西一點整理好不漏點學文法學半套?Little和Small都是形容詞「小的」,你知道littlemoney和smallmoney意思大不同嗎?


內容簡介 1. 目錄直接羅列常錯的文法問題 一目瞭然 即查即看 2. 解析力求減少專有名詞的使用 簡單扼要 一針見血 3. 每單元附大小考試必考題型: 填充、選擇、翻譯加詳解 重點練習 突破盲點 多一點 少一點 差一點 差很大東一點 西一點 整理好 不漏點學文法學半套? Little和Small都是形容詞「小的」,你知道little money和small money意思大不同嗎?When和While都是連接詞「當…的時候」,你知道連接它們連接的子句,有「干擾事件」和「背景事件」之分嗎?每次考每次錯!不是看到ly結尾的字就是副詞不是動詞之後動詞就一定是加to或-ing《英文文法一點靈》專治英語學習者最容易混淆以及大小考試每次考每次錯的文法。目錄直接羅列常考常錯的文法問題,解析力求減少專有名詞的使用,每單元並附大小考試必考的題型加詳解,幫助讀者擊破發霉文法盲點,搞定陳年文法病痛。


作者介紹 ■作者簡介蘇瑩珊畢業於英國Newcastle大學英語教學及應用語言學系,曾於台灣大專院校擔任英語講師與華語教師等職。目前於上海從事教學、翻譯等工作。


產品目錄 Unit 1 名詞前面到底要不要加“the” 或 “a”呢? Unit 2 動詞後面可再直接加動詞,不加 to 嗎? Unit 3 介係詞+關係代名詞一起用時,是否可省略介係詞呢? Unit 4 Taste “good”, “good”為何不是副詞? Unit 5 Seldom, rarely, hardly 的用法 Unit 6 Late vs. Lately Unit 7 Near vs. Nearly Unit 8 High vs. Highly Unit 9 Friendly 和 Lovely 是形容詞還是副詞? Unit 10 Worthy vs. Worth 的用法 Unit 11 Little vs. Small Unit 12 Some vs. Any Unit 13 Other vs. Another Unit 14 Above vs. On Unit 15 Below vs. Under Unit 16 In, inward, inside Unit 17 Out, outward, outside Unit 18 No... but... Unit 19 Whoever, whichever,whatever, whomever 的用法 Unit 20 By+交通工具=in, on+冠詞+交通工具 Unit 21 動詞和副詞怎麼放在一起,位置才對? Unit 22 We stayed in or at+地名-有何不同? Unit 23 動名詞 V-ing 到底當動詞還是名詞? Unit 24 Little vs. Few 一樣不一樣? Unit 25 I’m coming , I come, I will come 差別在哪裡? Unit 26 Be made+with or by 差別在哪裡? Unit 27 Remember, forget,stop+V-ing or to V 各有何不同? Unit 28 Until (till) 的用法 Unit 29 介係詞 by 的用法 Unit 30 Or so, etc., and so on, and so force 的用法 Unit 31 So, for 的用法 Unit 32 Find vs. Find out 用法差在哪? Unit 33 While vs. When 用法差在哪? Unit 34 Though, although, even though Unit 35 As soon as 怎麼用? Unit 36 關係代名詞 Who vs. Whom 的用法 Unit 37 關係代名詞 Which vs. That 的用法 Unit 38 什麼時候關係子句要逗號? Unit 39 Know, understand , acknowledge, realize 的用法 Unit 40 I don’t know who she is. 還是I don’t know who is she. Unit 41 Wish 的用法 Unit 42 使役動詞的用法 Unit 43 What 和Which的用法 Unit 44 Before vs. By的用法 Unit 45 At first, first, firstly的用法 Unit 46 Where vs. In which vs. Which Unit 47 單位量詞有哪些? Unit 48 Old vs. Senior 可否一起用? 差別在哪裡?


書名 / 英文文法一點靈
作者 / 蘇瑩珊
簡介 / 英文文法一點靈:內容簡介多一點少一點差一點差很大東一點西一點整理好不漏點學文法學半套?Little和Small都是形容詞「小的」,你知道littlemoney和smallmoney意思大不同嗎?
出版社 / 聯合發行股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789869033121
ISBN10 / 9869033121
EAN / 9789869033121
誠品26碼 / 2680855423001
頁數 / 368
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
級別 / N:無


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(請以6000字以內為限) 第3單元
介係詞 + 關係代名詞一起用時,是否可省略介係詞呢?
This is the movie theater I usually go to.
This movie theater is closed for decoration.
The movie theater which I usually go to is closed for decoration.
I was looking for the book.
I found the book.
I found the book that I was looking for.
The restaurant (which) I usually go to is closed for decoration.
I found the book (that) I was looking for.
B) 介係詞在前,關係代名詞在後的句型為正式的英語句型。句型結構請看以下:
I know the girl.
He is talking to the girl.
I know the girl whom he is talking to.
I know the girl he is talking to.
I know the girl to whom he is talking.
French is a language.
I know very little about French.
French is a subject which I know very little about.
French is a subject I know very little about.
French is a subject about which I know very little.
※需特別注意的是,此種介係詞+關係代名詞句型在使用時,關係代名詞一定僅能為which和whom,不可是that, who或空關代。
I know the girl to whom he is talking.
■I know the girl to who/that he is talking. (X) 介係詞“to”不可置於who或that之前
■I know the girl who/that he is talking to. (O) 介係詞“to”可置於who或that之後
French is a subject about which I know very little.
■French is a subject about which/that I know very little. (X)介係詞“about”不可置於which或that之前。
■French is a subject which/that I know very little about. (O)介係詞“about”可置於who或that之後。
■I know the girl whom he is talking. (X)
■I know the girl to he is talking. (X)
■French is a subject which I know very little. (X)
■French is a subject about I know very little. (X)
C) 介係詞+關係代名詞句例
The music was good.
I listened to it yesterday.
The music to which I listened yesterday was good. 
The picture is painted by Monet.
You are looking at the picture.

The picture at which you are looking is painted by Monet.你正在看的那幅畫是莫內的作品。
The boy is my brother. .
You talked to him this morning.
The boy to whom you talked to is my brother. 
I must thank Professor Coe. .I received a gift from him.
I must thank Professor Coe from whom I received a gift.我一定要謝謝Coe教授給我的禮物。
This is the school. .
Miss Brown teaches in here.
This is the school in which Miss Brown teaches. 
in which= where:This is the school where Miss Brown teaches.
1-1 填充題: 請在空格填上正確的介係詞
This is the restaurant _________ which I normally go.
I should reply to Dr. Paterson ___________ whom I received a letter.
The topic ____________ which you discussed was interesting.
What is the evidence ___________ which you base this claim?
These are the people ___________ whom we went to New York last year.
1-2 答案與解說:
to 這是我通常會去的餐廳。 This is the restaurant I normally go to.
from 我應該要回信給Paterson教授,因為我收到了他的一封信。 …I received a
letter from Professor Paterson.
about 你討論的話題很有趣。 The topic you discussed about was interesting.
on 你論證的根據是什麼? …you base this claim on what evidence…
with 這些是去年和我們一起去紐約的人。 We went to New York with these people.
2-1 選擇題:請選出錯誤的句型並說明原因
Mrs. Green is the person from who I obtained the information.
This is the time during that I was not working.
The woman about whom you are talking about is my wife.
Tokyo is the place to which we went together last summer.
The time at which he arrived was too late.
2-2 答案與解說:
第1句。關代詞who不可放介係詞from之後;應改為Mrs. Green is the person from whom I obtained the information.
第2句。關代詞that不可放介係詞during之後;應改為This is the time during which I was not working.
I don’t like the boy.
You danced with the boy.
I can’t remember the name of the hotel.
We stayed at the hotel.
Mike ws the boy.
I grew up with him.
Is this the dress?
The dress you finally decided on.
This is the news.
Everyone talks about.
I slept in the bed last night.
The bed wasn’t very comfortable.
He fell in love with the girl.
The girl left him last month.
Jasmine doesn’t get the job.
She applied for the job last week.
3-2 答案
I don’t like the boy with whom you danced. 我不喜歡跟你一起跳舞的男孩。
I can’t remember the name of the hotel at which we stayed.  我不記得我們住過的那間旅館叫什麼。
Mike was the boy with whom I grew up.  Mike是那個跟我一起長大的男孩。
Is this the dress on which you finally decided? 這是你最終決定的洋裝嗎?
This is the news about which everyone talks. 這是每個人都在談論的新聞。
The bed in which I slept wasn’t very comfortable. 我昨晚睡的床不是很舒服。
The girl with whom he fell in love left him last month. 他愛的女孩上個月離開他了。
Jasmine doesn’t get the job for which she applied last week. Jasmine沒有得到她上週申請的工作。