Crystal Ball Pocket Oracle: A 13-Card Deck and Guidebook | 誠品線上

Crystal Ball Pocket Oracle: A 13-Card Deck and Guidebook

作者 Athene Noctua
出版社 Hay House Publishers
商品描述 Crystal Ball Pocket Oracle: A 13-Card Deck and Guidebook:【掌中型超迷你神諭卡:隨手可問,直接回答,為忙碌的現代生活給予直接的回覆】塔羅牌與神諭卡都有詳細與繁複


內容簡介 塔羅牌與神諭卡都有詳細與繁複的閱讀方式,可以在家裡一邊讀一邊思考;但這款超迷你神諭卡,適合隨身攜帶,任何時候都能為你帶來解答。 牌卡設計簡約大方,復古低調的手繪風格插畫,只有13張牌卡(附折疊式牌卡解說),撲克牌大小,輕便好放進包包,帶去工作或旅行都可以。 遇到任何無法決定的事情,就一邊思考問題一邊洗牌,這副神諭卡會帶給你單刀直入的回答。 Ask and it is answered with this 13-card pocket oracle deck featuring beautiful, nature-inspired artwork and straightforward answers to yes or no questions. While tarot and oracle decks offer the possibility of subtle and complex readings, sometimes all you want―or need―are simple, straightforward answers to your questions to help guide your path. The Crystal Ball Pocket Oracle offers just that. This 13-card deck is a divination tool that features a mystical image on each card along with straightforward answers to your questions. Using the deck is easy: simply pose a question, gently shuffle the deck as you hold the question in your mind, and when you feel you’ve shuffled enough, draw a single card to reveal your answer. The beautiful, evocative artwork by artist and creator Athene Noctua features animals, plants, moon phases, and other nature-inspired imagery that adds depth to the answers written on the cards. Small enough to fit in a purse or pocket, this adorable deck can travel with you wherever you go, offering answers to all of life’s questions, big and small.


作者介紹 Athene NoctuaAthene Noctua is an artist and deck creator living on a canal boat in the United Kingdom. Her illustrations are inspired by feminism, diversity and representation. Formerly known as the White Witch Oracle.


書名 / Crystal Ball Pocket Oracle: A 13-Card Deck and Guidebook
作者 / Athene Noctua
簡介 / Crystal Ball Pocket Oracle: A 13-Card Deck and Guidebook:【掌中型超迷你神諭卡:隨手可問,直接回答,為忙碌的現代生活給予直接的回覆】塔羅牌與神諭卡都有詳細與繁複
出版社 / Hay House Publishers
ISBN13 / 9781401972578
ISBN10 / 1401972578
EAN / 9781401972578
誠品26碼 / 2682353291007
頁數 / 8
注音版 /
裝訂 / N:無
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 9.8X7.3X1.6CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 掌中型超迷你神諭卡:隨手可問,直接回答,為忙碌的現代生活給予直接的回覆
