Venice: A Sketchbook Guide | 誠品線上

Venice: A Sketchbook Guide

作者 Matthew Rice
商品描述 Venice: A Sketchbook Guide:MatthewRiceisalong-timeobserverandillustratorofcities,buildingsandallthosewhoinhabitthem,withanuncannyabilitytoexpresstheenergyofapl


內容簡介 ✰威尼斯:素描指南 Matthew Rice是一位長期觀察城市、建築與當中居民的觀察者和插畫家,他有一種神奇的力量,就是能夠透過墨水與畫筆,精準傳達城市的能量,多年來威尼斯一直是他創作的靈感泉源,並且在書中捕捉了這個城市最迷人的各種亮點。 基於他對建築的熱情,書中提供了大量關於威尼斯城市裡「石頭」建材的訊息,包括透過圖畫解釋,介紹了這個城市最具代表性的建築風格,包括拜占庭式、哥德式、文藝復興、巴洛克式等多樣化的造型,完美呈現出當地的景觀,在無法旅行的時刻,盡享豐富的美景! Matthew Rice is a long-time observer and illustrator of cities, buildings and all those who inhabit them, with an uncanny ability to express the energy of a place through a few lines of ink and splashes of paint. For years, Venice has been a source of deep creative inspiration for him; and now, in Venice: A Sketchbook Guide, he captures the highlights of this most beguiling of Italian cities.Unsurprisingly, given his abiding passion for architecture, Matthew provides a wealth of information about the 'stones' of Venice, including an illustrated guide to the main building styles of the city - Byzantine, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Modern - and exemplars of its balconies, bridges and campaniles. Further sections explore the city's sestieri - its six residential quarters - as well as its history, paintings, festivals, wildlife and, not least, its cicchetti and aperitivi.Following the same landscape format as Matthew's real-life sketchbooks, Venice: A Sketchbook Guide will combine enchanting watercolour illustrations with an informed, personal and witty text, and promises to delight all visitors to Venice, armchair or actual."


書名 / Venice: A Sketchbook Guide
作者 / Matthew Rice
簡介 / Venice: A Sketchbook Guide:MatthewRiceisalong-timeobserverandillustratorofcities,buildingsandallthosewhoinhabitthem,withanuncannyabilitytoexpresstheenergyofapl
ISBN13 / 9780241464830
ISBN10 / 0241464838
EAN / 9780241464830
誠品26碼 / 2682152807003
頁數 / 208
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 0.3X2.5X0.6CM
級別 / N:無