The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter and How to Make the Most of Them Now | 誠品線上

20世代, 你的人生是不是卡住了

作者 梅格.潔伊
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter and How to Make the Most of Them Now:《20世代,你的人生是不是卡住了》TheDefiningDecadehaschangedthewaymillionsoftw


內容簡介 20 世代正面臨進入成人生活的關鍵轉型期,而足以影響終生的重要事件,80% 都發生在 35 歲之前。不論我們做了什麼,20 世代是個轉捩點,一個大重整的機會。這段期間經歷的所有事情,將會大大影響我們未來的成年生活。別讓那些你沒去了解或沒去做的事注定你的未來你現在做的事,都在決定你未來的人生二十幾歲的時候,總認為自己已成年、無所不知,厭惡被長輩提醒、嘮叨。隨著現代人的平均壽命增加,也出現了「三十歲世代代表著新的二十歲世代」的新說法,總認為二十至二十九歲的這段時間應該拿來摸索、實驗,等到了三十歲之後就會定下來,一切事情也船到橋頭自然直。但是,著名的臨床心理學家梅格.潔伊(Meg Jay)博士駁斥了這種論述,她在《20世代,你的人生是不是卡住了》書中明白指出現代人輕忽二十世代重要性的謬誤。因為,二十世代正面臨進入成人生活的關鍵轉型期,而足以影響終生的重要事件,有近八成的比例都發生在三十五歲之前;況且,三十歲過後,不是延續著二十多歲的生活軌跡,就是忙著匡正當時的不智之舉。本書不僅具備專業的權威、更有對二十歲世代的同理心、和對未來敏銳的洞察力,讓人恍然大悟:「原來二十歲世代的這十年,對一生的影響是如此重大啊!」作者在書中赤裸揭露二十世代的諸多迷思:*能夠幫助我們改善人生的貴人,為何不是最親密的朋友,反而是那些不太熟的人?*為什麼同居不是測試感情的最好方法?*為何二十幾歲是大腦賦予我們改造自己的最佳良機?*如何在茫茫大海般的眾多選擇中,找出自己的興趣與志業?*要怎樣才能在職場感覺更自在,而非更糟?*我們的人格為何到了二十幾歲時變化最大,比人生其他階段都還要大?本中文書介出自《20世代, 你的人生是不是卡住了......你以為時間還很多, 但有些決定不能拖t》遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司t出版Revised and reissued for a new generation, The Defining Decade has changed the way millions of twentysomethings think about their twenties -- and themselves.Our "thirty-is-the-new-twenty " culture tells us the twentysomething years don't matter. Some say they are an extended adolescence. Others call them an emerging adulthood. In The Defining Decade, Meg Jay argues that twentysomethings have been caught in a swirl of hype and misinformation, much of which has trivialized the most transformative time of our lives.Drawing from more than two decades of work with thousands of clients and students, Jay weaves the latest science of the twentysomething years with behind-closed-doors stories from twentysomethings themselves. The result is a provocative read that shows us how work, relationships, personality, identity and even the brain can change more during this decade than at any other time in adulthood -- if we use the time well.New in this updated edition:* Up-to-date research on work, love, social media, the brain, friendship and fertility* 29 conversations to have with your partner* A social experiment in which "digital natives " go without their devices* A Reader's Guide for book clubs, classrooms or further self-reflectionThe Defining Decade shows us why, rather than a developmental downtime, our twenties are a developmental sweetspot. They are a time when the things we do-and the things we don't do -- will have an enormous effect across years and even generations to come."


作者介紹 Meg JayMeg Jay, PhD, is a Clinical Psychologist and an Associate Professor of Human Development at the University of Virginia who specializes in twentysomethings. She earned a doctorate in clinical psychology and in gender studies from the University of California, Berkeley. Her books, The Defining Decade and Supernormal, have been translated into more than a dozen languages and her work has appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review and on NPR and BBC. Her TED talk ""Why 30 is Not the New 20"" is among the most watched to date.


書名 / The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter and How to Make the Most of Them Now
作者 / 梅格.潔伊
簡介 / The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter and How to Make the Most of Them Now:《20世代,你的人生是不是卡住了》TheDefiningDecadehaschangedthewaymillionsoftw
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9781538754238
ISBN10 / 1538754231
EAN / 9781538754238
誠品26碼 / 2682015018003
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X13.8X3.1CM
級別 / N:無
