英文字彙糾察隊: 誤用單字好困擾, 雞同鴨講怎麼辦? (附光碟)
作者 | 俞亨通;鍾亞捷 |
出版社 | 商流文化事業有限公司 |
商品描述 | 英文字彙糾察隊: 誤用單字好困擾, 雞同鴨講怎麼辦? (附光碟):學習英文多年,遇到這些狀況還是不知所措嗎?有兩個字發音一樣,老外是在講哪個?(brakevs.break)考卷上兩個 |
作者 | 俞亨通;鍾亞捷 |
出版社 | 商流文化事業有限公司 |
商品描述 | 英文字彙糾察隊: 誤用單字好困擾, 雞同鴨講怎麼辦? (附光碟):學習英文多年,遇到這些狀況還是不知所措嗎?有兩個字發音一樣,老外是在講哪個?(brakevs.break)考卷上兩個 |
內容簡介 學習英文多年,遇到這些狀況還是不知所措嗎?有兩個字發音一樣,老外是在講哪個?(brake vs. break)考卷上兩個單字外形好像,這題空格該選哪個?(statue vs. status)中文意思都是「胖嘟嘟」,為什麼無法相互替換?(fat vs. chubby)正確掌握英文語彙的用法,聽說讀寫自然處處得心應手!你的英文,真的用對了嗎??正確的用字遣詞,才能有效溝通!【本書為《常見易混淆字聖經—終結英文語彙誤用迷思》之增訂版】●同音異義字—兩個單字聽起來一樣,常常雞同鴨講怎麼辦?一個觀念沒釐清,沒想到一不小心,就冒犯到別人!A:He's the “idol” of the family. (他真的是這個家的偶像。)B:Yes, he really is. “Idle” for 20 years already. (是呀,他在家閒了20年了。)【辯析】idol 和 idle 的發音都是「唉斗」,但意思完全不同,如果混淆,容易出現誤會,“idol” 當名詞時是「偶像」,“idle” 是形容詞,表示「懶惰的」。●形似字—兩個單字外形好像,傻傻分不清楚?和朋友聊天不小心搞錯字,雞同鴨講真尷尬!A:My friend went “aboard” on the ship to France. (我朋友搭船去法國遊玩。)B:That is not easy! Studying “abroad” needs a lot of courage and efforts. (這不容易呢!出國唸書需要勇氣和付出很多努力。)【辯析】雖然都是副詞,但外形十分相似,記憶時容易搞混,“aboard” 的意思是「在船上」,“abroad” 則是指「國外」。●類義字—雖然中文意思相同,英文單字卻無法相互替換?公園裡看到外國小孩在玩耍,胖嘟嘟的可愛模樣忍不住想讚美,但一開口,不知為何小孩父母就翻臉?【大NG!】這樣說,是很無禮的,當心已經冒犯別人唷!(×) Your baby has cute “fat” cheeks! (你的小孩有著可愛又肥胖的臉頰!) “fat” 表示肥大的、肥胖的,是個強烈的貶義詞。【用正確!】這樣說,才能讓老外的父母感到開心覺得很榮幸!(○) Your baby has cute “chubby” cheeks! (你的小孩有著可愛又圓嘟嘟的臉頰!) “chubby” 表示胖得可愛、豐滿,即圓嘟嘟的。有了4大密技辨析同音異義、形似字和類義字,讓你完全擺脫誤用字彙的囧境!密技01 〔150組易犯錯類義字分析&比較,觀念不混淆!〕—看完立刻學會正確用法,從此不誤用!1. 剖析易搞混字彙,列出英英釋義和用法,輔以例句加深印象,學習更有效率! 2. 特別補充常用片語,搭配由片語造的例句來學習,無論談話或寫作都能靈活運用! 3. 150 篇隨堂測驗,易混淆字彙學完立即驗證實力! 密技02 〔貼心附贈超值學習光碟〕—150 組「類義字精華內容摘錄」PDF 學習版,進修方式更多元!〔光碟檔案內容〕全書類義字單元中的~● TEST 易混淆字哪個才正確?● 一下就搞懂不同在哪裡!● 用例句學起來!密技03 〔正確使用同音異義&形似字,聽說讀寫不 NG!〕—從衍生片語學習,例句輔助,完全釐清單字正確用法!精選 44 組同音異義字和形似字,以表格方式呈現片語和例句,不僅讓學習者清楚看出差別,更方便背誦,寫作或口語表達不會再誤用!密技04 〔終極測驗&答題剖析,學習盲點原形畢露!〕—立即矯正你的錯誤觀念!好不容易把整本學完,觀念都融會貫通了嗎?本書收錄 50 題測驗,範圍為前面敎過的形似字和類義字,學完馬上測,如果答錯只要翻到詳解,馬上幫你釐清字彙用法!
作者介紹 俞亨通【學 歷】國立高雄師範大學英語碩士【經 歷】中學教師;報社英文編譯;翻譯工作室負責人【個人著(譯)作】《現代英語用法指南》(電子書)、《英文文法問題與解答》(電子書)、《鎳鎘蓄電池應用工程》、《最新實用電子學》、《數位系統原理與運用》、《線性積體電路》、《電子儀表》、《第十七屆高雄市美術展覽會》、《林布蘭特蝕刻版畫展》、《2001高雄國際貨櫃節》、《第一屆台灣國際女性藝術節 - 網指之間》、《世界有多大》。【最新著作】《英文字彙糾察隊:誤用單字好困擾,雞同鴨講怎麼辦?》
產品目錄 使用說明│004 作 者 序│006 【特別企劃】 正確使用同音異義&形似字,聽說讀寫不NG! A002 馬上動筆測測看,字彙的用法都清楚了嗎? B002 ▼Part 01│動詞▼ 01. accept vs. receive ..................016 02. accuse vs. charge ..................018 03. adapt vs. adjust ......................020 04. allow vs. permit ......................022 05. annoy vs. irritate ....................024 06. answer vs. reply .....................026 07. avoid vs. prevent ....................028 08. beat vs. hit ..............................030 09. begin vs. start .........................032 10. believe vs. trust ......................034 11. bother vs. disturb ...................036 12. bring vs. take ..........................038 13. catch vs. grab .........................040 14 . choose vs. select ...................042 15. come vs. arrive .......................044 16. complete vs. finish .................046 17. confuse vs. bewilder ..............048 18. convince vs. persuade ...........050 19. copy vs. imitate ......................052 20. create vs. invent .....................054 21. cure vs. heal ...........................056 22. drop vs. fall .............................058 23. find vs. discover .....................060 24. frighten vs. scare ...................062 25 . gather vs. collect ....................064 26. happen vs. occur ....................066 27. hold vs. keep ..........................068 28. kill vs. murder .........................070 29. laugh vs. smile .......................072 30. lay vs. lie vs. put .....................074 31. listen vs. hear .........................076 32. look vs. see vs. stare ..............078 33. make vs. produce ...................080 34. mean vs. suggest ...................082 35. miss vs. lose ...........................084 36. mix vs. combine vs. blend .....086 37. move vs. proceed ...................088 38. protect vs. defend ..................090 39. pull vs. drag ............................092 40. refuse vs. reject ......................094 41. remember vs. memorize ........096 42. rise vs. raise vs. arise .............098 43. rob vs. steal ............................100 44. say vs. speak ..........................102 45. see vs. watch vs. look .............104 46 . shatter vs. crush vs. smash ...106 47. shout vs. scream ....................108 48. talk vs. tell ...............................110 49. think vs. consider ...................112 50. try vs. attempt .........................114 ▼Part 02│名詞▼ 01. autograph vs. signature ........118 02 . center vs. middle ....................120 03. chance vs. opportunity ..........122 04. class vs. lesson ......................124 05. climate vs. weather ................126 06. danger vs. risk ........................128 07. disaster vs. catastrophe ........130 08. drug vs. medicine ...................132 09. duty vs. responsibility ...........134 10. emigrant vs. immigrant ..........136 11. emotion vs. feeling .................138 12. empathy vs. sympathy ...........140 13 . fact vs. truth ............................142 14. fare vs. fee ..............................144 15. flaw vs. fault ............................146 16. form vs. shape ........................148 17. freedom vs. liberty .................150 18 . hope vs. wish vs. dream ........152 19. job vs. occupation ..................154 20. journey vs. trip vs. tour ...........156 21. look vs. glance .......................158 22 . mind vs. heart .........................160 23. mountain vs. hill .....................162 24. narrative vs. story vs. tale ......164 25. news vs. information ..............166 26. number vs. amount ................168 27. pay vs. salary ..........................170 28. people vs. person ...................172 29. prejudice vs. bias ...................174 30. reason vs. cause ....................176 31. ample vs. example ...............178 32. scene vs. view ........................180 33. soul vs. spirit ..........................182 34. sport vs. exercise ...................184 35. street vs. road .........................186 36. student vs. pupil .....................188 37. topic vs. theme .......................190 38. voice vs. sound ......................192 39. war vs. battle ..........................194 ▼Part 03│形容詞▼ 01. able vs. capable ......................198 02. alone vs. lonely ......................200 03 . angry vs. mad .........................202 04. anxious vs. worried ................204 05 . aware vs. conscious ..............206 06. big vs. large ............................208 07. classic vs. classical ...............210 08. clean vs. clear .........................212 09. common vs. usual ..................214 10. continual vs. continuous .......216 11. contrary vs. contradictory .....218 12. difficult vs. hard .....................220 13. distant vs. remote ..................222 14. doubtful vs. dubious ..............224 15. each vs. every .........................226 16 . economic vs. economical ......228 17. effective vs. efficient ..............230 18. either... or vs. neither... nor ..232 19. empty vs. vacant ....................234 20. expensive vs. costly ..............236 21. farther vs. further ...................238 22. fat vs. chubby .........................240 23. fewer vs. less ..........................242 24. humid vs. wet vs. damp .........244 25. individual vs. personal ..........246 26. inner vs. interior .....................248 27. ironic vs. sarcastic .................250 28. jealous vs. envious ................252 29 . just vs. fair ..............................254 30 . little vs. small ..........................256 31. noisy vs. loud .........................258 32. old vs. aged ............................260 33. original vs. creative ................262 34. passed vs. past ......................264 35. possible vs. probable .............266 36. quick vs. fast ..........................268 37. ready vs. prepared .................270 38 . real vs. true .............................272 39 . right vs. correct ......................274 40. sad vs. depressed ..................276 41 . safe vs. secure .......................278 42. short vs. brief .........................280 43. sick vs. ill ................................282 44. silent vs. quiet ........................284 45. smart vs. wise .........................286 46. sure vs. certain .......................288 47. thankful vs. grateful ...............290 48 . thin vs. skinny vs. slim ...........292 49 . vast vs. huge ..........................294 50. verbal vs. oral .........................296 51. wide vs. broad ........................298 ▼Part 04│其他▼ 01 . above vs. over ........................302 02. after vs. behind .......................304 03. besides vs. except .................306 04 . between vs. among ................308 05. can vs. may .............................310 06. ever vs. never .........................312 07. every day vs. everyday ..........314 08. soon vs. shortly ......................316 09. still vs. yet ...............................318 10. whether vs. if ..........................320
書名 / | 英文字彙糾察隊: 誤用單字好困擾, 雞同鴨講怎麼辦? (附光碟) |
作者 / | 俞亨通;鍾亞捷 |
簡介 / | 英文字彙糾察隊: 誤用單字好困擾, 雞同鴨講怎麼辦? (附光碟):學習英文多年,遇到這些狀況還是不知所措嗎?有兩個字發音一樣,老外是在講哪個?(brakevs.break)考卷上兩個 |
出版社 / | 商流文化事業有限公司 |
ISBN13 / | 9789866615368 |
ISBN10 / | 9866615367 |
EAN / | 9789866615368 |
誠品26碼 / | 2680836686005 |
頁數 / | 360 |
注音版 / | 否 |
裝訂 / | P:平裝 |
語言 / | 1:中文 繁體 |
尺寸 / | 0X0X0CM |
級別 / | N:無 |
提供維修 / | 無 |
內文 : ▼【clean vs. clear】
●TEST 哪個才正確?●
Q: I am not very ____ about this.
□ clean □ clear
A: 應為 clear,因為 clear 表示清楚的;明瞭的。 → I am not very clear about this. (我對此不是非常清楚。)
● 一下就搞懂不同在哪裡!●
【clean vs. clear】
clean 形 清潔的;乾淨的;無色情的;公正的
英英釋義:not dirty, very neat
用法大不同:clean 有很多意義:清潔的、乾淨的、無菌的、無色情的、公正的、清白的、清廉的⋯⋯等等。其中較常用到的意義為:清潔的;乾淨的。
clear 形 清楚的;晴朗的;透明的;清澈的
英英釋義:be in a clear manner; very easy to understand, read, hear or see
用法大不同:clear 也有很多意義:清楚的、清晰的、晴朗的、透明的、清澈的、明顯的、暢通的、無罪的⋯⋯等等。其中較常用到的意義為:清楚的、晴朗的、透明的、清澈的。
◎STEP 01 用例句學起來!
His hands are clean.(他的手是乾淨的。)
That is a clean joke. (那不是黃色笑話。)
Daniel has a clean record. (丹尼爾沒有前科。)
Craig’s still not quite clear what it is. (克雷格還不大清楚那是什麼東西。)
It was a clear case of murder. (那顯然是一樁謀殺案。)
The night was clear.(夜空晴朗。)
★ 特別補充:這兩個字均有多個意思且都相當常用,須加以掌握;此外,它們亦皆可當動詞或副詞用。
◎ STEP 02 超級比一比,別再用錯了!
The water is very clean. 水很乾淨。(無毒無菌,但未必清澈)
The water is very clear. 水很清澈。(未必無毒無菌)
用 clean 表示水乾淨的(無毒無菌的)。
用 clear 表示水清澈的(但未必無毒無菌)。
The sky is clean. 天空乾淨。(沒有空氣污染)
The sky is clear. 天空晴朗。(天空無雲、無霧)
用 clean 表示天空乾淨的(沒有空氣污染)。
用 clear 表示天空晴朗的(天空無雲、無霧)。
◎STEP 03 用法學更多!
▼clean up 打掃
Look at the mess! You need to clean up your room right away!
▼keep clear of 避開
Leo endeavors to keep clear of any trouble, but troubles always find him.
◎STEP 04 確定自己學起來了嗎?
( ) 1. His voice is loud and _______.
(A) clean (B) clear
( ) 2. The classroom is full of dust! _______ it up now!
(A) Clean (B) Clear
1. (B)。〔翻譯〕他的聲音又大又清楚。
2. (A)。〔翻譯〕教室都是灰塵!現在馬上整理乾淨!