Nijntje xxl miffy | 誠品線上

Nijntje xxl miffy

作者 Dick Bruna/ Bob van Dijk studio
出版社 Uitgeverij Komma
商品描述 Nijntje xxl miffy:In‘nijntjexxlmiffy'thefocusisonDickBrunaasapioneeringillustrator.Bruna'sworkisdeceptivelysimple.Therecognisable,seeminglychildishshapesandco


內容簡介 In ‘nijntje xxl miffy' the focus is on Dick Bruna as a pioneering illustrator. Bruna's work is deceptively simple. The recognisable, seemingly childish shapes and colours are of course very well thought out. It is precisely the far-reaching stylisation and simplification that give Bruna's illustrations their powerful effect, on both young and old.Bruna's illustrations are visionary and innovative. He was inspired by avant-gardists such as Braque, Picasso, Matisse and Léger. The use of colour, the lack of perspective and the simplicity of their work fascinated him. He started experimenting with a simple, clear use of colour and the omission of details. Bruna's vision, craftsmanship, and the art of using colour to create spatiality in the flat surface is nowhere clearer than in his most famous creation: miffy.Uitgeverij Komma worked in close cooperation with Mercis Publishing on this special edition. 'nijntje xxl miffy' has a 1000 copy limited-edition and is therefore a special collector's item for the real aficionado. The book is numbered and comes with a certificate of authenticity.The edition contains almost 600 pages that are completely dedicated to miffy’s powerful design. Designer Bob van Dijk created a beautiful book stand - especially for this edition - in the shape of the famous little cross.


書名 / Nijntje xxl miffy
作者 / Dick Bruna Bob van Dijk studio
簡介 / Nijntje xxl miffy:In‘nijntjexxlmiffy'thefocusisonDickBrunaasapioneeringillustrator.Bruna'sworkisdeceptivelysimple.Therecognisable,seeminglychildishshapesandco
出版社 / Uitgeverij Komma
ISBN13 / 9789083226668
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9789083226668
誠品26碼 / 2682411895000
頁數 / 592
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 45X35.5X8
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 別開生面--米飛兔放大版典藏專書、向催生米飛兔的插畫先驅Dick Bruna致意之作! 全球限量發行1000套,附專屬閱讀書架一座、流水編號與證書。
