The Brain Book: How to Think and Work Smarter | 誠品線上

The Brain Book: How to Think and Work Smarter

作者 Phil Dobson
出版社 LID Business Media
商品描述 The Brain Book: How to Think and Work Smarter:Yourbrainisyourmostvaluableasset,andyetwearetaughtsolittleaboutit.Theonethingthat’sinvolvedinallyourfeelings,tho


內容簡介 Your brain is your most valuable asset, and yet we are taught so little about it. The one thing that’s involved in all your feelings, thoughts and actions, and you’re never given the manual. Consequently few of us realize our potential. Recent developments in neuroscience demonstrate that your brain is like a muscle; you can increase your brain power, and even change and develop your brain over time. Grounded in scientific research, this book gives you 50 ways to get more from your brain. You’ll gain an understanding of how your brain works and how you can boost your mental performance. You’ll discover how to improve your focus and memory, and how you can enhance your problem-solving skills. You’ll even learn how you can program your brain and keep it younger for longer.


作者介紹 Phil DobsonPhil Dobson is a trainer, facilitator and coach, and the founder of BrainWorkshops. He now works with organizations globally in providing brain-based training programmes that transform thinking and performance.


書名 / The Brain Book: How to Think and Work Smarter
作者 / Phil Dobson
簡介 / The Brain Book: How to Think and Work Smarter:Yourbrainisyourmostvaluableasset,andyetwearetaughtsolittleaboutit.Theonethingthat’sinvolvedinallyourfeelings,tho
出版社 / LID Business Media
ISBN13 / 9781911687566
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781911687566
誠品26碼 / 2682283097007
頁數 / 160
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18*12*1.2
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


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