內容簡介 【誠品線上:塔羅牌館】神諭卡‧星座占卜‧遊戲牌卡✰墜入奇幻仙境,探索未知的自己 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境神諭卡》,由屢獲殊榮的藝術家 Paolo Barbieri 繪製,帶你進入一個全新的仙境! 這不是你記憶中的愛麗絲,而是充滿現代感的少女愛麗絲。透過她與瘋帽子、柴郡貓、紅心王后等角色的奇遇,你將獲得意想不到的靈感與啟發。 ✔每一張牌都是一扇通往仙境的大門,引領你探索內心深處,發現未知的自己。 ✔Paolo Barbieri 獨特的畫風,為經典故事注入新的生命力,讓仙境更加魔幻迷人。 ✔不論你是愛麗絲的粉絲,還是神諭卡的愛好者,都能在這副牌卡中找到共鳴與樂趣。 現在就踏上這趟奇幻旅程,讓愛麗絲與仙境中的角色,為你指引方向! This breathtaking oracle transports you to a new Wonderland, where award-winning artist Paolo Barbieri presents his unique twist on Alice and her friends. Barbieri reinterprets Alice as a teenager, using the cards to portray her adventures and give you inspiration from the characters and lessons she encounters.Drawing inspiration from Lewis Carroll's classic story, this deck brings new depth to the Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, the Red Queen, and many others. You will experience Wonderland like never before.