Vesper Tarot (Limited Ed.) | 誠品線上

Vesper Tarot (Limited Ed.)

作者 Veronica Ciancarini
出版社 Lo Scarabeo s.r.l.
商品描述 Vesper Tarot (Limited Ed.):全球限量4000副!半人半蝙蝠主角與小女巫魔術師踏上冒險旅程ThisdecktellsthestoryofVespertiliu,abat-womanwhodecidestoleaveonanextraordin


內容簡介 全球限量4000副!半人半蝙蝠主角與小女巫魔術師踏上冒險旅程This deck tells the story of Vespertiliu, a bat-woman who decides to leave on an extraordinary adventure in the company of Macigian, the little witch who will guide her on her journey through the Arcana.This very particular narrative Tarot is the latest addition to the Horizons line by Lo Scarabeo: it sports an original black and white dotted style and offers a reading experience in every sense of the term. Available in a limited edition of only 4000 pieces.


作者介紹 Veronica CiancariniVeronica Ciancarini – She was born on Christmas Day in 1993, ruining the dinner for friends and family. After graduating in Scenography from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, she has worked on several comic book projects. In January 2022 she created the alter ego Vespertiliu and began to devote her artistic production mainly to illustration. Passionate about anything gothic and occult, she currently teaches drawing at “Pencil ART” in Rome and online.


書名 / Vesper Tarot (Limited Ed.)
作者 / Veronica Ciancarini
簡介 / Vesper Tarot (Limited Ed.):全球限量4000副!半人半蝙蝠主角與小女巫魔術師踏上冒險旅程ThisdecktellsthestoryofVespertiliu,abat-womanwhodecidestoleaveonanextraordin
出版社 / Lo Scarabeo s.r.l.
ISBN13 / 9788865279243
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9788865279243
誠品26碼 / 2682560510007
頁數 / 78
裝訂 / N:無
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 11.8X6.5X0
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 全球限量4000副--這副塔羅牌講述半人半蝙蝠的主角Vespertiliu與小女巫魔術師一同踏上奇妙冒險的故事...
