內容簡介 仙子的秘密派對 內有秘密小書雋永的仙子主題,迷人的大自然細節 你相信仙子嗎?您想加入由仙子專家組成的秘密俱樂部,並和專家們一起尋找並照顧仙子嗎?現在,和專家一起進行一場神秘的仙子探訪之旅,參觀仙子們的家,觀賞衣櫃、鞋帽﹙獨角獸帽、橡實帽、雛菊帽﹚、花草飾品;進入仙子的野外醫院,看仙子照顧受傷的鳥、青蛙、金龜子…,並精心打扮參加仙子們的舞會﹙舞會的燈光是由螢火蟲組成的呢﹚! 每探索一個主題獲得一枚徽章,收集10枚就是仙子專家 插畫華麗細膩,裝幀優雅,小女生禮物優選 內有隱藏版小書,也別忘記翻閱喔!Do you believe in fairies? Would you like to join a secret club of fairy experts, who search for and look after fairies and other magical creatures in the wild?Now is the time to earn your place in the Secret Fairy Club. Earn ten badges on your journey towards becoming an official Secret Fairy Club member and learn all about:- the perfect fairy wardrobe- where fairies make their homes- how fairies help the nature around them- how fairies get ready for a Fairy Ball...and so much more!Guard the precious knowledge within these pages for the good of all magical kind...· This novelty format contains a surprise, second book in the back· Artwork offers an inclusive, 21st-century take on an ever-popular topic· Intricate artwork and full cover decorative foiling make this the perfect gift