Little Dinosaurs, Big Feelings | 誠品線上

Little Dinosaurs, Big Feelings

作者 Swapna Haddow
出版社 Magic Cat Publishing
商品描述 Little Dinosaurs, Big Feelings:Thiscuteandfunny,full-colourguideonemotionsandfeelingsforchildren5+offers::誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推廣閱


內容簡介 小恐龍 大情緒 練習10個緩和情緒的小技巧Bruno的奶奶要搬家了,Bruno很難過。奶奶經常陪Bruno四處玩,比賽輸了,還會替Bruno打氣。Bruno不只難過,還擔心奶奶孤單,於是他去找心理醫生Diplo聊一聊。醫生要Bruno放心,奶奶在新的地方也可以交到新朋友。如果很想念很想念奶奶,可以想像Bruno和奶奶之間有一條金色繩子,讓關注的心情隨著呼吸,在倆人之間傳遞。 Diplo迪普洛醫生是侏羅紀王國最受歡迎的治療師,他將介紹10位侏羅紀朋友,有憤怒的恐龍Steggie史蒂吉、害怕的恐龍Rex 雷克斯、悲傷的恐龍Bruno布魯諾、快樂恐龍Minka敏卡、孤獨的恐龍Poppy波比、害羞的恐龍Percy 波西、興奮的恐龍Terrie特里、不知所措的恐龍Trev特雷夫、覺得無聊的恐龍Iggy伊吉,和滿足的恐龍Nino 尼諾。聆聽他們的故事,了解如何透過簡單的正念工具和練習來駕馭不同的情緒。這本可愛有趣的全彩指南針對 5 歲以上兒童的情緒和感受,提供: 十個故事,認識緩和情緒的10個小技巧 以溫和的對話,練習表達內心感受 澳洲兒童心理學家 Amber Owen 提供簡單的正念練習 甜美、色彩豐富的插圖將故事帶入生活,認識每種感受 書後附有照顧者的使用指南Doctor Diplo is the Jurassic kingdom's best-loved therapist.Meet him and ten of his Jurassic friends...Steggie the Angry DinosaurRex the Scared DinosaurBruno the Sad DinosaurMinka the Happy DinosaurPoppy the Lonely DinosaurPercy the Shy DinosaurTerrie the Excited DinosaurTrev the Overwhelmed DinosaurIggy the Bored DinosaurNino the Content DinosaurHear their stories, and discover how to navigate different emotions with simple mindfulness tools and exercises.This cute and funny, full-colour guide on emotions and feelings for children 5+ offers:-Ten read-aloud stories demonstrating tools to help navigate different emotions-An opportunity to open up conversations about feelings in a gentle and approachable way-Simple mindfulness exercises from Australian child psychologist Amber Owen-Sweet, colourful illustrations that bring the story to life and provide opportunity to discuss each feeling in turn-A 'how to use this book' guide for carers at the back of the book


作者介紹 Swapna HaddowSWAPNA HADDOW is the best-selling author and award-winning funny lady of over 20 books for younger readers. She has won the Sainsbury's Book Award and Sheffield Children's Award, and is the creator of Dave the Pigeon. Originally from the UK, Swapna now lives in New Zealand with her husband, son and dog, Archie.Yiting LeeYITING LEE is a Taiwanese artist based in the UK. This is her first dino-tastic book for younger readers.


書名 / Little Dinosaurs, Big Feelings
作者 / Swapna Haddow
簡介 / Little Dinosaurs, Big Feelings:Thiscuteandfunny,full-colourguideonemotionsandfeelingsforchildren5+offers::誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推廣閱
出版社 / Magic Cat Publishing
ISBN13 / 9781915569233
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781915569233
誠品26碼 / 2682484953003
頁數 / 112
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18.5 x 1.5 x 23.5 cm
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 小恐龍的大感覺