內容簡介 Every Child to Understand 100件重要的事 本書介紹稍微抽象複雜的概念,從情緒到察覺個體差異,旨在教導孩子認識生活的世界以及如何在這個世界中找到方向。例如,什麼是「緊張」?緊張時,有的臉會流汗、胃會痛,聲音會顫抖,你可以怎麼應對呢?﹙做鬼臉,或伸展肢體,這些動作會讓你開懷笑,笑幫助減緩緊張﹚。「耐心」是什麼?耐心是一段時間什麼事都不能做,還能保持冷靜。什麼時候需要有耐心呢?有人動作太快,有人太慢、太亂、太吵時都需要,如何練習培養耐心呢?﹙可以想想別人感受,深呼吸…﹚。 本書分為4篇章:情緒很重要(害怕、沮喪、自豪);你很重要(真實、認同、韌性);差異很重要(殘疾、公平、種族);和改變很重要(保護、女性主義、團隊合作)。書後附家長指南與羅列相關資源。插圖由IG 上有名的Annelies Draws插畫。 This pocket-size book features an inclusive collection of 100 words to teach children about the world we live in and how to navigate their way through it. Each page offers a word and age-appropriate definition, along with a related activity, resource or mindful prompt, beautifully illustrated by Instagram star Annelies Draws.Split into four chapters, including: Feelings Matter: Afraid; Grateful; Proud You Matter: Authentic; Consent; Resilience Differences Matter: Disability; Equity; RaceChangemakers Matter: Ally; Conservation; Feminism Featuring a how-to guide for adults at the back of the book, this inclusive resource is the perfect conversation starter for families and will empower children of all ages.
作者介紹 Joanne Ruelos DiazJoanne Ruelos Diaz is a writer and editor dedicated to nurturing a love for reading and learning. She writes for children, parents and teachers and values physical, mental, social and emotional health for all members in a family. Joanne and her family live in New Jersey, USA. ANNELIES DRAWS is a self-taught illustrator based in the Netherlands, originally from South Korea. She has loved to draw since she was a little girl, and works with traditional mediums such as coloured pencils and gouache paints with whimsical colours. Annelies finds inspiration through her daily life, and hopes her work can bring a little joy to your day.