Collections | 誠品線上


作者 Victoire de Changy/ Fanny Dreyer
商品描述 Collections:7個孩子各自擁有的收藏,無論是什麼樣的物件,它們的存在都對小主人充滿了意義。:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推廣閱讀出發,並透過線上


內容簡介 法文繪本《收藏》七個孩子,七個收藏無論形式,個個收藏對於小主人都具獨具意義七個孩子輪流展示他們的寶藏。這些收藏品對他人來說或許不特別,但對於他們自己都獨具意義和價值,所以收藏的過程和照顧收藏品的過程也就格外喜悅。作者Victoire de Changy是位比利時女作家,其父親是一位古董商,母親是一名藝術史專家,所以她從小傳承了很好的藝術修養和美感,也深知收藏的樂趣及意義。她以具有詩意的文字寫下這些故事,由布魯塞爾插畫家范妮・德雷爾繪製深富意境的插圖。最後一個篇章還帶著讀者到日本瀨戶內海的豐島,法國當代藝術家克里斯蒂安.波爾坦斯基在那裡收集十萬人的心跳聲!“Every time Lise finds a new horse to put on the mantelpiece, her heart beats so loud it makes her whole body tremble.” Seven children display their collections here. Some of them are quite common, others more original, but all are passionately important to their owner. Bastien, who doesn’t have a garden, creates one of his own by picking up various beautiful flowers; Omar collects all things relating to Autumn, a season his parents dislike; and Lise’s collection started when her grandfather sculpted a wooden horse to help her overcome her fear of touching a real horse… Each collection is the result of a heritage, a taste or a need, and is the source of multiple joys for the collectors: the pleasure to seek the rare objects, but also to organize them as a collection and take care of them as their own little treasure. The last chapter takes us to the Teshima island where contemporary artist Christian Boltanski collects… heartbeats.This poetic but simple text explores a fascinating topic that will speak to every child, while Fanny Dreyer’s bewitching images confirm her immense talent, her great precision in the representation of the bodies and her mastery of colours.


作者介紹 Victoire de ChangyVictoire de Changy, born in 1988, works in the world of culture and poetry in Brussels. A Dose of Necessary Pain, acclaimed by critics, was a finalist in 2017 for the prestigious Rossel Prize, the Belgian equivalent of the Goncourt Prize.


書名 / Collections
作者 / Victoire de Changy Fanny Dreyer
簡介 / Collections:7個孩子各自擁有的收藏,無論是什麼樣的物件,它們的存在都對小主人充滿了意義。:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推廣閱讀出發,並透過線上
出版社 / SODIS
ISBN13 / 9782492768644
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9782492768644
誠品26碼 / 2682538853006
頁數 / 118
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 6:法文
尺寸 / 21.3 x 1.6 x 30 cm
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 7個孩子各自擁有的收藏,無論是什麼樣的物件,它們的存在都對小主人充滿了意義。