Strong Female Character
作者 | Fern Brady |
出版社 | Octopus Publishing Group Limited |
商品描述 | Strong Female Character:【英國知名喜劇明星FernBrady,幽默呈現自閉症者樣貌】從我的悲慘天主教童年到自閉症的診斷,從無家可歸到脫衣舞者生涯,這是一段充滿痛苦、掙扎 |
作者 | Fern Brady |
出版社 | Octopus Publishing Group Limited |
商品描述 | Strong Female Character:【英國知名喜劇明星FernBrady,幽默呈現自閉症者樣貌】從我的悲慘天主教童年到自閉症的診斷,從無家可歸到脫衣舞者生涯,這是一段充滿痛苦、掙扎 |
內容簡介 英國知名喜劇明星Fern Brady幽默呈現自閉症者樣貌2023年Nero圖書獎得主2023年非小說類圖書獎獲得者「Books Are My Bag Awards」非小說類圖書獎得主「 Indie Champions」獎項入圍亞馬遜年度非小說類圖書獎入圍「Goodreads Choice」年度圖書獎入圍Audible年度圖書2023《泰晤士報》年度圖書2023Apple 2023年度最佳有聲書「」2024年1月每月之書✰英國《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷書榜首✰戳破生活假面,勇敢做自己✰強勢女性角色,讓你又笑又哭,絕不妥協!評論界盛讚:「我徹底被這本書逗樂、啟發,讓人既笑又哭,感人至深。」 ——鮑勃·奧登科克(Bob Odenkirk)「幽默而尖銳,清晰直白。」 ——喬恩·羅森(Jon Ronson)「這本書簡直是場狂歡,我迫不及待想讀第二遍!」 ——法蘭基·波伊爾(Frankie Boyle)---從我的悲慘天主教童年到自閉症的診斷,從無家可歸到脫衣舞者生涯,這是一段充滿痛苦、掙扎和黑色幽默的人生旅程。當我努力理解並接納自己的自閉症時,也發現了世界對於這種與眾不同的狀況有多麼無情。「當所有人都告訴我,我不像自閉症患者時,我試圖治癒自己,卻陷入了Xanax的依賴……」這本書絕不隱瞞真相,不回避羞恥,也不掩飾痛苦,讓你直面一個現實而殘酷的世界。透過這本書,你將認識到自我認識的重要性,以及在這個世界中保持真實自我的艱難。各界推薦:「不可思議地幽默,毫無歉意地坦率。」 ——菲爾·王(Phil Wang)「不僅僅是搞笑,這本書是深刻且令人感動的。」 ——亞當·凱(Adam Kay)「它讓我笑出聲,又讓我心碎流淚。希望每個人都能讀到它,並因此變得更善良。」——黛西·布坎南(Daisy Buchanan)與喜劇演員 Fern Brady 一起在笑聲與淚水中探尋自我!NERO BOOK AWARDS WINNER 2023WINNER, NON FICTION BOOK 2023, BOOKS ARE MY BAG AWARDSSHORTLIST, BOOKSHOP.ORG INDIE CHAMPIONSSHORTLIST, AMAZON NON-FICTION BOOK OF THE YEARSHORTLIST, GOODREADS CHOICE BOOK OF THE YEARAudible Books of the Year 2023The Times Books of the Year 2023Apple Best Audiobooks of 2023BOOKSHOP.ORG Book of the Month January 2024THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'I tore through this hilarious, smart, sad, revealing book' - Bob Odenkirk'Funny, sharp and has incredible clarity' - Jon Ronson'An absolute riot. I'm literally going to read it again once I've finished, and I'm a miserable's a belter' - FRANKIE BOYLE'Strong Female Character is a testament to the importance of self-knowledge.' - Rachael Healy, The GuardianA summary of my book:1. I'm diagnosed with autism 20 years after telling a doctor I had it.2. My terrible Catholic childhood: I hate my parents etc.3. My friendship with an elderly man who runs the corner shop and is definitely not trying to groom me. I get groomed.4. Homelessness.5. Stripping.6. More stripping but with more nervous breakdowns.7. I hate everyone at uni and live with a psycho etc.8. REDACTED as too spicy.9. After everyone tells me I don't look autistic, I try to cure my autism and get addicted to Xanax.10. REDACTED as too embarrassing.'Fern's book, like everything she does, is awesome. Incredibly funny, and so unapologetically frank that I feel genuinely sorry for her lawyers.' - PHIL WANG'Of course it's funny - it's Fern Brady - but this book is also deeply moving and eye-opening'- ADAM KAY'It made me laugh out loud and broke my heart and made me weep...I hope absolutely everyone reads this, and it makes them kinder and more curious about the way we all live' - DAISY BUCHANAN'Glorious. Frank but nuanced, a memoir that doesn't sacrifice voice or self-awareness. And it has brilliant things to say about being autistic and being funny' - ELLE MCNICOLL'A set text for all of us in 2023' - DEBORAH FRANCES-WHITE'Fern is a brilliant, beautiful writer with a unique voice and even more unique story. Astute, honest and very, very funny.' - LOU SANDERS'So funny and brilliant' - HOLLY SMALE'Witty, dry, and gimlet-eyed, Strong Female Character is a necessary corrective. Brady offers a compelling, messy, highly resonant portrait of what masked Autism feels like.' - Devon Price, author of Unmasking Autism
作者介紹 Fern BradyFern Brady is a woman. She is also autistic. She was born in Scotland (no, not Glasgow). She has no presets for being a 'good woman' - she never hated her body or indulged in messy millennial shame. She now lives out of wedlock in London. She has zero children.Fern's caustic wit, exceptional writing and electric stage craft has made her one of the UK's hottest comedy stars. As seen on Live from the BBC, Live from the Comedy Store, The Russell Howard Hour, and Live at the Apollo. She's had viral success with her BBC Life Lessons and supported Frankie Boyle and Katherine Ryan on tour. She can currently be seen on Taskmaster on Channel 4.
書名 / | Strong Female Character |
作者 / | Fern Brady |
簡介 / | Strong Female Character:【英國知名喜劇明星FernBrady,幽默呈現自閉症者樣貌】從我的悲慘天主教童年到自閉症的診斷,從無家可歸到脫衣舞者生涯,這是一段充滿痛苦、掙扎 |
出版社 / | Octopus Publishing Group Limited |
ISBN13 / | 9781914240478 |
ISBN10 / | |
EAN / | 9781914240478 |
誠品26碼 / | 2682542364000 |
頁數 / | 288 |
裝訂 / | P:平裝 |
語言 / | 3:英文 |
尺寸 / | 12.6 x 2.6 x 19.6 |
級別 / | N:無 |
提供維修 / | 無 |