Frank and Bert: The One With the Missing Biscuits | 誠品線上

Frank and Bert: The One With the Missing Biscuits

作者 Chris Naylor-Ballesteros
商品描述 Frank and Bert: The One With the Missing Biscuits:StoriesAloud有聲圖畫書-FrankandBert一起去野餐,趁Bert睡著時,Frank發現了好吃的餅乾…:誠品以「人文、藝術、創


內容簡介 2023諾丁漢童書獎得獎作品【小狐狸與熊寶】之3餅乾算什麼,友情才重要!超級麻吉的好朋友小狐狸和熊寶今天一起去野餐。熊寶還帶了美味的餅乾要給小狐狸驚喜喔!不過,在熊寶睡著時,小狐狸發現了餅乾,還忍不住先偷吃了一片,兩片,三片……因為是好朋友,所以當然是可以原諒的嘛!這一本繪本是【小狐狸與熊寶】系列的第三本。作者是英國圖畫書作家與插畫家克里斯.內勒-巴列斯特羅斯,作品還有《神奇行李箱》。看小狐狸和熊寶的友誼故事,小朋友一定會會心一笑!The hilarious fox and bear double act from bestseller Chris Naylor-Ballesteros is back and better than ever in a third adventure in the Nottingham Children’s Book Award winning series!Frank and Bert are off for a picnic in the countryside. And Bert has brought a delicious surprise! But when he falls asleep, Frank can’t resist taking a peek . . . WOW! Bert has made Frank’s FAVOURITE biscuits! Surely, he won’t mind if Frank eats one . . . or two . . . or three . . .This big-hearted story about friendship and forgiveness is guaranteed to get children giggling!


作者介紹 Chris Naylor-BallesterosChris is originally from Bradford and studied illustration and graphic design at Bradford College of Art. In 2000 he moved to France where, amongst other things, he was an English teacher before working in newspaper layout and design.When his children were small he realised he loved the picture books he read to them, sometimes even more than his children did – the Picture Book Bug had truly bitten.Chris has since written and illustrated several books and is currently thinking about the next one, probably with a cuppa in hand at home near Limoges.He likes listening to and making music, wandering around the countryside, a bit of running and riding a bike. His favourite season is autumn and his favourite colour is green.


書名 / Frank and Bert: The One With the Missing Biscuits
作者 / Chris Naylor-Ballesteros
簡介 / Frank and Bert: The One With the Missing Biscuits:StoriesAloud有聲圖畫書-FrankandBert一起去野餐,趁Bert睡著時,Frank發現了好吃的餅乾…:誠品以「人文、藝術、創
ISBN13 / 9781805130680
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781805130680
誠品26碼 / 2682607056000
頁數 / 30
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 27 x 0.4 x 27 cm
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : Stories Aloud有聲圖畫書-Frank and Bert一起去野餐,趁Bert睡著時,Frank發現了好吃的餅乾…