The Very Hungry Worry Monsters: Mood-O-Meter | 誠品線上

The Very Hungry Worry Monsters: Mood-O-Meter

作者 Alexandra Robinson
出版社 Make Believe Ideas
商品描述 The Very Hungry Worry Monsters: Mood-O-Meter:好餓好焦慮的怪獸情緒轉盤遊戲書怪物也是有情緒的。快樂怪喜歡玩玩具,看牠笑臉就知道他多開心。牠現在是麼表情,請轉一轉


內容簡介 好餓好焦慮的怪獸 情緒轉盤遊戲書 怪物也是有情緒的。快樂怪喜歡玩玩具,看牠笑臉就知道他多開心。牠現在是麼表情,請轉一轉盤邊的情緒轉盤,配對。玩玩具,對你而言也是快樂的嗎?傷心怪的玩具不見了,牠的表情是轉盤的哪一個?失去玩具,你也會很難過嗎?書中還有超多怪物:愛唱歌的開心怪、 不如意就發脾氣的生氣怪,被小貓咪嚇得半死的膽小怪、拆禮物很開心的驚喜怪…。每個怪物個性分明,適合幼兒一起探索情緒。特別設計的情緒轉盤,更能讓孩子動動手,認識情緒,透過問答,瞭解自己的感受。.The friendly Worry Monsters gobble worries up, it’s true. But did you know, these monsters have a lot of feelings too?Explore emotions with the friendly Worry Monsters in this board book, with a mood-o-meter dial to twist and turn throughout! Interactive pages, playful text and a fun dial to spin combine to help little ones recognise and understand their feelings, as well as the feelings of those around them.A board book about emotions and feelingsWith a dial to twist and turn throughoutFun addition to The Very Hungry Worry Monsters series


書名 / The Very Hungry Worry Monsters: Mood-O-Meter
作者 / Alexandra Robinson
簡介 / The Very Hungry Worry Monsters: Mood-O-Meter:好餓好焦慮的怪獸情緒轉盤遊戲書怪物也是有情緒的。快樂怪喜歡玩玩具,看牠笑臉就知道他多開心。牠現在是麼表情,請轉一轉
出版社 / Make Believe Ideas
ISBN13 / 9781803371498
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781803371498
誠品26碼 / 2682419864008
頁數 / 18
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.7 x 1.3 x 23.7 cm
級別 / N:無
材質 / 紙 塑膠
提供維修 /
警告內容 / 請勿放入口中以免窒息
適用年齡 / 3歲以上


最佳賣點 : 好餓好焦慮的怪獸 情緒轉盤遊戲書
