Harry Potter's Journey to Hogwarts: A Book of Magical Surprises | 誠品線上

Harry Potter's Journey to Hogwarts: A Book of Magical Surprises

作者 David Hawcock
出版社 Insight Editions
商品描述 Harry Potter's Journey to Hogwarts: A Book of Magical Surprises:ExperiencethemagicoftheHarryPotterfilms,whenyoumovethetabs,levers,andwheelsacrossthepagesofthis


內容簡介 哈利波特:霍格華茲之旅 立體書拉拉轉轉,體驗哈利波特電影的魔力!國王十字車站,哈利正尋找9又3 4月台,真有這月台嗎?他一鼓作氣,朝著第九和第十月台中間衝去,﹙拉﹚真的出現9又3 4月台,原本的藍色火車也變成紅色的霍格華茲特快車。這本由 David Hawcock創作的立體書,包含6個互動跨頁,場景從樓梯間的櫥櫃、國王十字車站、霍格華茲黑湖…,讀者可以動手轉動輪子,拉動拉環和控制桿,立刻讓水蠟樹街的客廳塞滿霍格華茲錄取通知書、哈利波特秒穿牆,還能撥開厚厚雲層,揭開霍格華茲城堡面紗。視覺擬真,互動設計極具巧思,臨場感十足。Experience the magic of the Harry Potter films, when you move the tabs, levers, and wheels across the pages of this book!Inspired by the events seen in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, this book is a charming depiction of Harry’s journey from the Cupboard Under the Stairs to the start of Harry’s life as a Gryffindor at Hogwarts. The all-new, beautifully detailed, immersive illustrations and clever paper engineering will amaze fans of all ages.Engineered for delight, six spreads invite readers to activate their favorite moments from the film. Turn the wheels, and pull the tabs, slits, and levers—the scenes on the pages change in exciting and surprising ways. The clever transformations were created by paper engineering maestro David Hawcock.Make the living room of Privet Drive flood with his Hogwarts acceptance letters, watch Harry disappear through the brick wall of Platform 9¾, discover the magnificent Hogwarts Express, and much more.


作者介紹 David HawcockDavid Hawcock has designed and engineered many successful pop-up titles, including Journal of Inventions: Leonardo Da Vinci and The Amazing Pull-Out Pop-Up Body in a Book. After graduating with a degree in graphic design, David worked for design groups in London before turning freelance and specializing in 3-D graphics. He worked with advertising agencies and publishers, including Saatchi and Saatchi and Dorling Kindersley, and he later set up his own company creating ideas-based projects for publishers around the world. David lives in Bath, UK, is married, and has three children.


書名 / Harry Potter's Journey to Hogwarts: A Book of Magical Surprises
作者 / David Hawcock
簡介 / Harry Potter's Journey to Hogwarts: A Book of Magical Surprises:ExperiencethemagicoftheHarryPotterfilms,whenyoumovethetabs,levers,andwheelsacrossthepagesofthis
出版社 / Insight Editions
ISBN13 / 9798886635096
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9798886635096
誠品26碼 / 2682579491007
頁數 / 12
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20X30
級別 / N:無
材質 /
提供維修 /
警告內容 / -
適用年齡 / 5歲以上


最佳賣點 : Experience the magic of the Harry Potter films, when you move the tabs, levers, and wheels across the pages of this book!
